On 12/10/2012 10:46 AM, Lukas Wunner wrote:
> Hi,
> I've issued pull request #111 which enhances pkcs15-gemsafeV1.c
> by two features:
> (1) Multiple key containers are now supported.
>      Previously the code would only make the first certificate found
>      on the card available to the user. By reverse-engineering the
>      USB communication of the native Windows driver (Gemalto Classic
>      Client) it turned out that all certificates are stored in the
>      same file (3F0016000004). Up to 12 key containers are supported,
>      this seems to be the maximum that Gemalto's cards are capable of.
>      I have a card here which can store up to 10 key containers of which
>      2 are allocated. This card works perfectly now.
>      The private key and certificate are no longer labeled
>      DS key / DS certificate, but:
>      DS key #1, DS key #2, ... / DS certificate #1, DS certificate #2", ...
>      @Douglas E. Engert: The code introduced by you with commit
>      9468d989cf5f279e11f1551164624c2cd1b25948 is still there,
>      i.e. the key_ref may be overridden by the opensc.conf card flag,
>      but it will override the key_ref of *all* keys on the card if
>      there's more than one. I'm not sure if this functionality is
>      still necessary.

We no longer use these cards. The code in 9468d9 may no longer be needed if
you are able to associate the certs and keys.

> (2) ATR-specific PIN policies are now supported.
>      Previously the code would use the PIN policy:
>      BCD, min length 6, max length 8, padded with 0xFF
>      However the card I was given uses the following policy:
>      ASCII, min length 4, max length 8, padded with 0x00
>      I tried to find out, again based on the USB communication of the
>      native Windows driver, whether the card may be queried for its
>      PIN policy. But to no avail. More specifically, I tried to find
>      out if the tries_left can be queried from the card, thinking that
>      the PIN policy is probably returned in the same APDU. So I
>      deliberately logged in with the wrong PIN once (=> tries_left=2)
>      and compared the USB communication to the case when the correct
>      PIN is entered right away. Turns out there's no difference.
>      So apparently the tries_left can't be queried from the card
>      and it seems likely that the PIN policy can't be queried either.
>      If it can, I don't know where it is stored.
>      I then realized that the Windows driver installs two files:
>      policy.ppc and policyname.ini. Turns out the PIN policy is
>      encoded in these files. The equivalent to these files would
>      be if the user could specify a PIN policy in opensc.conf.
>      Since that doesn't seem to be possible so far, I modified the
>      code so that ATR-specific PIN policies may be specified. This
>      is similar to pkcs15-infocamere.c which uses different card
>      initialization functions based on the ATR of the card.
> I also fixed the indentation in gemsafe_detect_card(),
> sc_pkcs15emu_gemsafeV1_init() and sc_pkcs15emu_gemsafeV1_init_ex().
> That makes reviewing the patch more difficult, sorry.
> People who are using gemsafeV1 cards in production may want to give
> this patch a try.
> Best,
> Lukas
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  Douglas E. Engert  <deeng...@anl.gov>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
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