Stefan Andersson wrote:
Kind of crazy idea here, but how is 'landmarks' actually stored on the server and used by the client? Shouldn't we be able to store grid and region endpoint in a landmark? I mean, if the landmark contains the region name, it could just as well be stored with target grid and/or region endpoint in it as well?

If the client only uses an uuid, it should be requesting that conversion from the region, which could in turn use the users home grid servers to resolve the uuid request into more metadata - as the landmark was originally created on that grid. (yes, that could, in theory, mean that person A clicking on a landmark in region B would cause B to talk to home grid C that will access originating grid D to resolve the actual endpoint and things like that, but hey - think of the possibilities!

There's lots of possibilities, I just found out doing this. The map search, for example, was a wonderful surprise, since the viewer sends whatever we type there verbatim to the server. So we can type anything we want and interpret it on the server-side...

I haven't looked into landmarks yet, but it's quite possible that it does the same.

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