Ryan McDougall wrote:
> In a non-SL context, that asset storage is ameliorated over a
> distributed asset system, whether it be P2P, or my own local asset
> server.
> There is a ceiling on the growth of asset copies: any given avatar has
> a fixed number of things to wear, a region a fixed number of things to
> display, or a human a fixed number of things they can effectively
> manage in an inventory.
> If you factor in nose-diving hardware costs per gigabyte, and
> distributed placement of that storage, the picture doesn't remain
> quite as clear as before.
> My point is: if OpenSim is interested in out growing SL, they may need
> to take a look at how one might theoretically handle various
> non-traditional caching schemes.

agree. it's just not as clear cut as it seems when looking at it from the 
dr dirk husemann ---- virtual worlds research ---- ibm zurich research lab
SL: dr scofield ---- drscofi...@xyzzyxyzzy.net ---- http://xyzzyxyzzy.net/
RL: h...@zurich.ibm.com - +41 44 724 8573 - http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~hud/
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