I would also like to suggest, only so that Mark doesnt have all this dropped on 
his shoulders, that others help in various sections.

It seems reasonable to me that Mark co-ordinate this as the 'zealot'. So, lets 
help Mark get our wiki to the next stage of documentation.


From: Mark Malewski <mark.malew...@gmail.com>
To: opensim-dev@lists.berlios.de
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 9:52:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] Navigating the Wiki


Excellent questions.  I'll work on the FAQ as well.  I'm almost certain that 
the FAQ needs updating.  I'll put it on my "To Do" list, and slowly get to it.  
Once I get closer to finishing, I'll post a list of pages "open for discussion" 
and "open for comment" so that we can talk about what things should be added 
(and where).  Yes, the FAQ pages do need some work.

If anyone else can think of some quick "newbie" questions (commonly asked 
questions) please let me know.  I'll jot them down, and work on adding those 
pages as well, with a nice navigation page/menu back to the main FAQ & support 
area page.

>  I also suspect the ongoing asset/inventory/server significant re-write going 
> on right now needs 
> some extra special attention as I see that one as a support nightmare.

Don't get me started...  <Holding my head>  Why do you think I've been hanging 
out in the WIKI so much?  ;-)

Yes, I'm working on it.  Just give me some time.  ;-)



P.S.  Keep the questions coming, because those are all good topics that should 
be covered.  If anyone else has any additional good questions, please chime in. 
 I'll put them on the "To Do List".  

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Charles Krinke <c...@pacbell.net> wrote:

Some of the common questions that come up but are not easily answered on the 
wiki are:

1. What is the current recommended version?

2. My OpenSim.ini does not work after an upgrade with SVN, how can I fix this?

3. How do I setup a region?

4. How do I setup a grid?

5. What does HyperGrid mean?

As we move forward, perhaps making sure these and other similar questions have 
at least two pages referencing them might help us.

One of those pages could almost always be the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), 
which is in itself need of a little attention.


p.s. I also suspect the ongoing asset/inventory/server significant re-write 
going on right now needs some extra special attention as I see that one as a 
support nightmare.

From: Robert Martin <robertl...@gmail.com>
To: opensim-dev@lists.berlios.de
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 9:06:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] Navigating the Wiki

While you are doing the truly Herculean task of fixing the Wiki could
you please make sure that
A there is a site map somewhere on the site (oh maybe on a page named
Site Map??)
B that every page present links to something (like related topics and
then to the navbar level topics??)
C Sanity and brevity need to be watch words for the page names (hint
if the name of the page is more than 10% of the content of the page
something is wrong)

Robert L Martin
Just trying to be a Voice Of Reason
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