Dahlia Trimble wrote:
> I asked Nebadon to post this to the list to generate discussion. It's
> not clear to me when the appropriate time would be to allow logins to a
> region. Meshing and script loading are not confined to startup, they can
> happen at any time when a region is running and prims and scripts are
> rezzed or edited. It would seem that something in the scene would know
> the appropriate time, but many of the processes related to scene loading
> are asynchronous such as sculpt meshing, which is (currently) dependent
> on asset deliveries.
> Could we list some of the observations surrounding this issue? What
> happens when people log in before the region is fully loaded? Can these
> problems be mitigated, or should logins and region entry be denied until
> some pre-programmed decision can be made? Are there current safeguards
> in place now that may have been rendered ineffective by past code revisions?

we have been using the RegionReady region module to be notified of all scripts
being ready and running (it sends out a message on the configurable region ready
channel). not sure whether that could be extended to the sculpted prim stuff.
one idea i had (being faced by a similar issue as nebadon) was to use that
RegionReady signal (or the event it itself is using) to enable logins.

> -dahlia
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Nebadon Izumi <nebadon2...@gmail.com
> <mailto:nebadon2...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     At the request of dahlia, I am starting this thread to discuss
>     Region startup, I would 1st like to bring attention to the feature
>     request that i filed on this topic
>     http://opensimulator.org/features/issue.php?id=45
>     What is happening is for many minutes after the [Startup Complete]
>     message is displayed, startup is still going and not actually
>     finished, if an avatar logs in during this time it results in a hung
>     viewer that never loads.  This can be pretty frustrating if your
>     debuging and testing all day because the only way to really know
>     when the sculpt retreival and decoding of sculpties prior to the
>     meshing of these assets can take a really long time, and just as a
>     note and for dahlias sake this is not a meshing issue, its unrelated
>     to the mesher itself other than its the process that occurs prior to
>     the meshing so meshing can be completed.  anyway this is not really
>     the issue, the issue is that the region is not actually started and
>     we are making a claim on the console that is has, I would be great
>     if we could work something out that the startup complete message and
>     logins are disabled until not only the full pre-meshing sculpty
>     retreival / scripting and the meshing itself are complete, because
>     in reality until these all finish, the sim is not actually started
>     and ready, and if enough people log in during this window it can
>     result in scripting errors and simulator crashing in addition to
>     hung viewers.  Please lets discuss methods on how we can perhaps
>     correct this and make the opensimulator experience better.  Thanks
>     -- 
>     Michael Emory Cerquoni - Nebadon Izumi @ http://osgrid.org
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