Melanie wrote:
Currently, profile information is handled in part by the user server 
and in part by the profiles module.
This data really has no business in the user server, because it is 
Linden client specific, furthermore, it should not be split between 
two services.
The profile information in the user server is a legacy of a quick 
fix to get a profile picture and text working before we had a real 
profile service.
It would be quite foolish to pollute a new, clean architectural 
approach with such legacy data and Lindenisms,
actually i'd take the opposite approach and make it part of the user service and make it more general. just because lindens had the idea of providing profile information is not bad per se. profile information is a useful tool, certainly in the corporate environment. i agree that the current way it's structured is not good.


Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
Melanie wrote:

Profile information has no place in this architecture and will be 
handled exclusively by the profiles module.
Please could you elaborate on this.  Why will this be handled differently from the other things being handled by 
servers?  What are the implications of doing it this way?

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