We will be pleased to test BUST without the fears to  get Busted...


Le 8 juil. 09 à 18:33, Charles Krinke a écrit :


I think the key here is 'evolution' and not 'revolution'. We have sufficient momentum and sufficient users with OpenSim that we need to go out of our way to provide and evolutionary path and that of necessity must include sufficient documentation to allow our users to use OpenSim with a reasonable effort.

As we evolve, whether we go away from the UGAIM to BUST or something else has yet to be determined, and it will be determined by the users as they adopt one or the other.

So, please figure out how to get two grids using BUST and report back on their progress.

Given that, please figure out how to get a half-a-dozen early adopters to test this new logic.

By doing that, the 'evolution' will take care of itself and we will have a much better product.


From: Justin Clark-Casey <jjusti...@googlemail.com>
To: opensim-dev@lists.berlios.de
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2009 9:26:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] Deprecate OpenSim.Grid.InventoryServer and OpenSim.Grid.AssetServer?

Mike Dickson wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-07-08 at 14:48 +0000, Melanie wrote:
>> Charles, I said documentation is on it's way. I would like to get
>> people's opinions on moving forward with deprecating the old
>> servers, not people's opinions on the obvious need for documentation.
>> Further, if the old servers are kept, they will have to be
>> maintained indefinitely and so will the protocols, blocking any real
>> progress. So, could you please explain your -1?
> You mentioned (and Justin I think asked for details) on protocols changing. > Which protocols are you refering to (inter-server protocol, client- server protocol)?

Yes, you (Melanie) have mentioned 'new' protocols but afaik this is the first I've heard of this. Changing OGS1 protocols is a big upheaval and should be properly laid out and peer reviewed before work starts. not after or during.
Going down the wrong path now will be expensive later on.

If you can point me towards existing documentation on this (if it's part of BUST) that would be appreciated.

Thankyou for writing the existing documentation on BUST. I'm sure if the new technology is well received then we can
deprecate and remove the old servers.

I also don't like the name 'BUST'. As we've already *very extensively seen*, we should not assume a sense of humour on the part of others. A compromise would be to change the server prompt.

> In general I'm +1 for this since I'd really like to see the core settle
> down into a stable state and getting the refactoring behind us is a
> prereq. for that. I certainly understand the desire for doco so people
> know what they're being asked for feedback on however.

Absolutely. Asking for a general vote on progress is like proposing a vote on motherhood and apple pie. We can only
make meaningful votes on specific proposals.

I'm actually now confused on whether you're asking for a vote on eventually deprecating the old servers (but not before another vote) or on changing basic grid protocols. I assume it is the former rather than the latter.

Justin Clark-Casey
Opensim-dev mailing list
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Sacha Magne

K-Grid, the Kool grid for the Kool Kats

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