On 2012-07-18 01:31, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
If you want to increase timer resolution the current thing to do would be to change

cmdHandlerThreadCycleSleepms = 100;
Intressting, then i get the question why it seems the event " not_at_target" seems to have o restriction.
with that function i always get some sort if filled query. not_at_target can fire at the same speed as do/while It looks like its getting faster called then processed. i think "timerevent" is right now to slow and "not_at_target"
is way to fast and seems to require lots of lsl time.

The whole event triggering is sometimes tricky.


in AsyncCommandManager.ReadConfig(). It appears that configurability was disabled almost 4 years ago for reasons unknown.

The fact that it's 100 means that you can never get timers that fire less than 100ms apart. Moreover, timers are tied into the general AsyncCommandManager.DoOneCmdHandlerPass(), which performs operations for listeners, sensors and dataserver events as well as timers. So the resolution will be even less accurate. At some point I think it may be good to do some of these in separate threads to reduce the variability of performance.

However, even if these issues were to go away, the timer events would still have to be fired through the event mechanism. I'm not sure how efficient firing lots of timers is, or what impact it would have on other scripts in the region.

On 16/07/12 15:13, R.Gunther wrote:
I work on some project that move prims.
Right now i do it with small do/while loop. thats the fastest way to move a prim smooth.
But have technical some problems.

If i move the prim with timer event. and i have set it to 0.01 because its anyway not seems todo much below 0.5 not sure whats the lowest working setting. And thats also the problem. the object moves way slower != smooth compared to
do/while loop.
Would be nice if there's option to speed the timer event up. But need to agree i dont know the effects.

A timer thats doing lets say 0.01 sounds better then a do/while loopt thats running 20 meters with steps of 0.5 meters. would be nice if the timers where a bit faster. But maby i make a thinking error to. Still dont see why i cant get the
same result with both ways.

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