I noticed most users prefer Firestorm and it's considered the best third-party 
viewer at this day. Although it's a thing of personal preference, I am a bit 
worried that Firestorm gets all the attention, since I'm not seeing any of the 
other viewers getting mentioned much since Firestorm is there. Like I said I 
don't like it because it's very bloated and slow... the ideal viewer for me is 
one just like the official SL client but with a grid manager, build / upload 
limits removed, and new features added.

As far as I know the Second Life viewer is GPL licensed, so distributing it 
should be possible like any other GPL software. Excluding the Havoc library 
which supposedly caused OpenSim support to go away. Changes unrelated to the 
Havoc lib should always be GPL too, so if LL adds something that OpenSim viewer 
can integrate it should be ok. OpenSim is MIT licensed if I remember right, but 
there's nothing wrong with distributing a MIT code and a GPL one under the same 
name and website.

Building a viewer from scratch is something I don't believe will happen or 
needs to happen. It would be an enormous amount of work, only to achieve 
something very similar to what's already there. The SL viewer just needs work 
in places where Linden didn't give it much attention, but is well optimized in 
many areas.

Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 15:55:28 +0100
From: garmin.kawagui...@magalaxie.com
To: opensim-dev@lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] OpenSim's direction after Linden cutting support, 
and the possibility of an official OpenSim viewer

    I much prefer using Firestorm
            for OpenSim
            since developers
              have clearly separated Opensim version
            from the
              SL one. Firestorm
        431 31155 version
        is very powerful and
          there are of course some lacks.
        But Firestorm
        developers are very
          responsive and they opened a section OpenSim
        in their Jira (successfully tested).


        On the other hand,
              we can always think that people
            who have made a
              server would be best placed
            to make a viewer.
            Except that this
              would lead to a paradoxical
              situation where OpenSim  developers
            ask Linden Lab
            permission to use sources V2/3/4,
            keeping in mind
              that the issue of licenses would
              remain the same that with the SL viewer and the viewer FireStorm.


              As for building a viewer from scratch,
                as did our
                realXtend friends
                  .... it's difficult
            to gather enough
              people and get results in
            a significant delay.





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