Looks like i have the answhere, you need to compile mono 2.10.9 in my case first in userspace. after that you can compile mono 3.0.6 without problems. dont ask me why.. the system did have mono 2.10.6 default installed.

On 2013-03-11 20:15, R.Gunther wrote:
Well installed mono 3 in userspace like i do always, try to compile opensim 0.7.5 release but it fails and complaining about gmcs.exe gmcs.exe is in /the user director bin mono directory. also export lines are set and mono -V tells me that i use mono -V

[csc] Cannot open assembly '/home/...../bin/mono-3.0.6/lib/mono/2.0/gmcs.exe': No such file or directory.

            BUILD FAILED - 0 non-fatal error(s), 2 warning(s)

/home/...../grid/Build/opensim-0.7.5-source/ThirdParty/SmartThreadPool/SmartThreadPool.dll.build(6,6): External Program Failed: /home/...../bin/mono-3.0.6/lib/mono/2.0/gmcs.exe (return code was 2)

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