Secondlife comes with more new lsl commands, the are maby intressting
To implement at soem point in opensim. or sooner.

 * *list llJson2List(string json)* -- converts the top level of the
   json string to a list.
 * *string llList2Json(string type, list values)* -**
     o Type is JSON_ARRAY or JSON_OBJECT
     o Converts either a strided list of key:value pairs to a
       JSON_OBJECT or a list of values to a JSON_ARRAY
 * *string llJsonGetValue(string json, list specifiers)* -- gets the
   value indicated by spcifiers from the json string.
 * *string llJsonSetValue(string json, list specifiers, string value)*
   -- returns a new json string that is the json given with the value
   indicated by specifiers set to value
 * *string llJsonValueType(string json, list specifiers)* -- returns
   the type constant for the value in json indicated by specifiers.

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