Thanks - that's a very interesting and useful background, and explains
a lot about the current implementation.

And I can certainly understand the desire for the raycasting to be
independent of the physics engine for OpenSim.

Teravus Ovares wrote:

> Just a note...   it's probably nothing..   however..  a bit of history
> on llcastray in OpenSimulator....  I wrote the obb collision detection
> being used for llcastray currently.   It wasn't actually intended to
> be used in llcastray...  it was intended to be used to raycast against
> objects when rezzing cubes and objects.  It was also designed to
> handle things like 'duplicate on ray'.    Anyway... .   Melanie_T
> thought that the system needed a physics independent implementation of
> llcastray and so made use of the OBB raycast that is used for rezzing
> for llcastray.    That said, there are now physics interface APIs that
> can be used to replace the physics independent llcastray method being
> used now.  The physics layer needs to set a property for if it can
> handle raycast requests to true and it needs to implement that part of
> the OpenSimulator physics API.
> For more information, go to the bottom of this file:
> Best Regards
> Teravus
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Handy Low <> 
> wrote:
> > Oh, you certainly didn't steal the thread. All this is part of the
> > same investigation I'd been doing, even if attachments weren't on my
> > particular agenda at the moment.
> >
> > And it's always seemed to me to be the nature of volunteer projects,
> > that quite understandably people usually work on what interests them.
> >
> > Certainly I'm hugely grateful to all the volunteers and commercial
> > contributors alike who've made OpenSim what it is.
> >
> > Gwyneth Llewelyn wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Handy,
> >>
> >> Interesting -- 'size matters' :-) Actually, I suspected that a small 
> >> attachment might have some issues, so I've been consistently using huge 
> >> transparent attachments (boxes or spheres... or even pyramids, which sort 
> >> of 'flare out' in the direction that is more interesting, as you suggest) 
> >> which completely encloses a normal-sized avatar (so they would have a 
> >> volume of at least 2 x 2 x 2 m).
> >>
> >> However, as much as I understand the underlying code -- which is not much 
> >> -- this shouldn't actually make any difference. Per SL specifications, an 
> >> attachment detecting collisions will not detect collisions *with the 
> >> attached prim's bounding box* but *with the avatar's bounding box*. This 
> >> is a major difference between detecting collisions inside prims -- when 
> >> they're attached, collisions *by the avatar* are passed to the scripts 
> >> *inside the attached prim*. When they're unattached, the physics engine 
> >> uses the prim's bounding box. Actually, the code dealing with collisions 
> >> with attachments is in there! There are a lot of interesting checks at the 
> >> avatar-collision level (both at the abstraction level but even further 
> >> down on the interface with the physics engine) to see if llVolumeDetect()
>   has been called or not, if an avatar has a scripted attachment that has 
> signaled the simulator to receive collision events, and so forth. A *lot* of 
> work has been put into this, and, as far
>   as I can
> >> understand the very convoluted way this is supposed to work, the algorithm 
> >> seems to be conceptually sound. What I mean is that every time an avatar 
> >> collides with 'something' (and, again, notice that this will be a check 
> >> made using the avatar's bounding box, not the attachment's) there are, 
> >> indeed, checks being done to see if the avatar has a scripted attachment 
> >> and if it has registered itself to receive collision events. The code is 
> >> there, it just doesn't work... most of the time. Just the fact that it 
> >> DOES, indeed, work SOME of the time, tends to make me believe that there 
> >> are some timing issues involved, of which I haven't been aware, and have 
> >> no idea where to start looking for those timers. Maybe these low-level 
> >> collision events have to be enqueued somehow, to avoid getting 'lost', a
>  nd thus might need to be retrieved later at a much higher and more abstract 
> level (e.g. the virtual machine running the LSL bytecode...). I have not the 
> faintest clue on how this can be prog
>  rammed.
> >>
> >> I didn't wish to 'steal' the thread, but rather explain that the very 
> >> tempting, but naive alternative to llCastRay() to detect where a bullet 
> >> might hit an avatar is very tempting: get an avatar with lots of 
> >> attachments, and try to detect those attachments with llCastRay()... or 
> >> fire real, invisible bullets expecting the attachments (one per body part) 
> >> to respond, depending on which one was hit, and feed that information to a 
> >> central location... aye, all these are theoretical workarounds, but none 
> >> of them will actually work. Following SL's inspiration, a collision event 
> >> *of the avatar with something else* will be sent to *all* attachments 
> >> simultaneously (or, in the case of OpenSim, to none at all...). Of course, 
> >> when it works, you'll get some positioning information, and while this is 
> >> no
>  t highly accurate, at least you could figure out if the avatar has been 
> hit/detected/collided with something at the front, behind, sides, upper part, 
> lower part, etc...
> >>
> >> Well, it's such a pity that the few people who actually understand the 
> >> very intricate and convoluted code are uninterested in collecting data 
> >> about the environment and feeding it to LSL. For others, specially my case 
> >> (I do research on intelligent agents...), this means that NPCs are blind 
> >> as bats and, worse, do not even 'feel' anything when they bump into things 
> >> :)
> >>
> >> Ah, note that *some* collision information gets passed on to the viewer, 
> >> because the viewer will need to know where to apply those neat special 
> >> effects during a collision (playing sounds, showing some textures, etc.). 
> >> Ironically, these work actually quite well, and even show up relatively 
> >> accurately, but I have not the faintest idea on where those messages are 
> >> being generated and how they're passed to the viewer! (As much as I've 
> >> looked into libopenmetaverse, there seems to be little interest in getting 
> >> those 'collision hints', since, well, most libopenmetaverse applications 
> >> are text-base and do not pass visual clues back to the user...).
> >>
> >> Sorry for the long rant. I'm actually in the middle of writing some things 
> >> about OpenSimulator and why some crucial functionality is not only 
> >> missing, but workarounds are next-to-impossible, and implementing the 
> >> missing functionality -- as time passes and OpenSimulator becomes more and 
> >> more complex -- take so much time. I envy the volunteers who managed to do 
> >> those zillions of code in their spare time. It is the equivalent of 
> >> several lifetimes to replicate that :) ... and a considerable amount of a 
> >> lifetime just to understand enough of it to fix a tiny bug :)
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >>
> >>       - Gwyn
> >>
> >> On 27/02/2014, at 17:13, Handy Low wrote:
> >>
> >> > Hi Gwyn (sorry for misspelling your name up-thread)
> >> >
> >> > One thing I've discovered through testing is that the size of the
> >> > projectile also makes a difference. If I increase the length of my
> >> > bullets to a metre or two in the direction of travel, they fire the
> >> > collision events every time (at least so far in my testing). The
> >> > bullets do need to be that actual length too - "cheats" like
> >> > path-cutting and slicing to hide the size will reduce the detection
> >> > rate again.
> >> >
> >> > The workaround that I favour involves firing two bullets - a normal,
> >> > small one and a long, invisible one - the target object can use a
> >> > collision filter by name to avoid detecting both.
> >> >
> >> > I was wondering if that workaround would help in your case - make the
> >> > attachment large (at least in the appropriate direction) but partly
> >> > invisible?
> >> >
> >> > Gwyneth Llewelyn wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> Although this is not the *dev* list (to which I'm not subscribed 
> >> >> anyway), I
> >> >> would certainly enjoy understanding better how the collision code 
> >> >> works. I
> >> >> actually don't use llCastRay, but I wanted to get collisions been 
> >> >> caught by
> >> >> attachments, just like SL does. After months of delving deep into the 
> >> >> code,
> >> >> the best I could come up with was some very sporadic messages when the
> >> >> avatar collided with a physical prim (or with 'itself'). This was highly
> >> >> unpredictable, though -- now I guess it has to do with these 'timing 
> >> >> issues'
> >> >> you've mentioned
> >> >>
> >> >> Ultimately, I had to give up on that and start my own research project
> >> >> using a totally different approach. Which is a pity, really, since SL 
> >> >> gets
> >> >> collisions on attachments so nicely, but lacks the powerful NPC library
> >> >> that OpenSim already has.
> >> >>
> >> >> Cheers,
> >> >>
> >> >>   - Gwyn
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> On 27 February 2014 01:34, Handy Low <> 
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>> A very helpful explanation - thanks.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Perhaps you could shed some light on the way the collision code works,
> >> >>> particularly in regard to a physical projectile (a bullet) being fired
> >> >>> at a scripted prim?
> >> >>>
> >> >>> The script inside the target prim reacts to collision_start() events,
> >> >>> but these only seem to be triggered in some cases, depending on the
> >> >>> shape of the prim, the velocity of the bullet, and even (it seems) the
> >> >>> distance the bullet has travelled.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Is there anything I can do to increase the likelihood of the event
> >> >>> being triggered, other than those factors? I'm seeing large cylinder
> >> >>> prims needing bullets travelling as slowly as 2m/s.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Thanks.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Dahlia Trimble wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> FWIW...
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> I'm the one who wrote most of the collision geometry code in
> >> >>> OpenSimulator.
> >> >>>> Someone else wrote llCastRay(). From my understanding and from memory 
> >> >>>> of
> >> >>>> past conversations, the author(s) of llCastRay implemented what they
> >> >>> could
> >> >>>> given the constraints of object accessibility in the core 
> >> >>>> OpenSimulator
> >> >>> and
> >> >>>> timing needs of llCastRay. Bounding boxes are easier to get to than 
> >> >>>> the
> >> >>>> geometry, which is usually passed to the physics engine of choice 
> >> >>>> from a
> >> >>>> manager object which is generally inaccessible. There is a way to ask 
> >> >>>> ODE
> >> >>>> to do a raycast against geometry, however, it requires a time delay
> >> >>> between
> >> >>>> physics frames as the requests must be queued and the responses 
> >> >>>> retrieved
> >> >>>> on the next frame. I was told this is an unacceptable delay although I
> >> >>> did
> >> >>>> not research it any further to see if this is really the case. I'm not
> >> >>> sure
> >> >>>> if Bullet has the same capability but I'd be surprised if it didn't.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> I'm not sure about other devs, but in my case the reason I have not
> >> >>>> implemented a more accurate llCastRay() is that I don't get paid for 
> >> >>>> my
> >> >>>> contributions to OpenSimulator and hence I usually don't implement
> >> >>> anything
> >> >>>> unless I need it and nobody else will do it. Often (but not always) 
> >> >>>> when
> >> >>> I
> >> >>>> do implement such features I choose to share them with the community 
> >> >>>> by
> >> >>>> committing them to core, as I believe this is how open source works: 
> >> >>>> many
> >> >>>> people contribute and the whole becomes greater than the sum of the
> >> >>> parts.
> >> >>>> Unfortunately I have no need for llCastRay() at this time and I am 
> >> >>>> pretty
> >> >>>> busy so I probably wont be considering improving it for quite some 
> >> >>>> time,
> >> >>> if
> >> >>>> ever. However, I am willing to share my insights about collision 
> >> >>>> geometry
> >> >>>> with others who would endeavor to implement it.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 6:07 AM, James Stallings II <
> >> >>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>> My apologies if you found my contribution discouraging; my intent was
> >> >>>>> exactly the opposite. To be quite explicit, I encourage anyone who 
> >> >>>>> can
> >> >>>>> improve this functionality to do so; for the rest of us, we must have
> >> >>> faith
> >> >>>>> that those who can contribute to the improvement of the code,
> >> >>> eventually
> >> >>>>> will.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> My experience has been that some things are more difficult than 
> >> >>>>> others
> >> >>> to
> >> >>>>> accomplish; and OpenSim devs, despite myth and appearances, are human
> >> >>> too
> >> >>>>> ;)
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> Implementations of these things often happen in stages. First some
> >> >>>>> groundwork is laid, and then improvements are added incrementally. I
> >> >>> rather
> >> >>>>> suspect that will be and has been the case as concerns llCastRay.
> >> >>> First the
> >> >>>>> framework is established simply with bounding boxes; then projection
> >> >>> of the
> >> >>>>> bounding box intersection onto the mesh, etc. It's even fairly likely
> >> >>> that
> >> >>>>> one will finish what another has begun, though it is not always the
> >> >>> case.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> I think the point is, we all know what the ideal functionality of
> >> >>>>> llCastRay is; and we all know it's desirable to have that
> >> >>> functionality. My
> >> >>>>> message is, it will eventually happen, and if we are not in a 
> >> >>>>> position
> >> >>> to
> >> >>>>> do it ourselves (I know I'm not in such a position), the best we can
> >> >>> do is
> >> >>>>> have a little faith, note the current behavior, and watch for
> >> >>> improvements.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> A well phrased mantis is always good, as it keeps the need for
> >> >>> improvement
> >> >>>>> in view of the devs; but complaints about lack of functionality on
> >> >>> mailing
> >> >>>>> lists rarely do more than rub people the wrong way; the very people 
> >> >>>>> who
> >> >>>>> will likely improve the code. This is something that has taken me
> >> >>> YEARS to
> >> >>>>> get through my thick skull; which is why I rarely post to this list
> >> >>> these
> >> >>>>> days ;)
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> In any case, don't let me slow your roll :)
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> Cheers
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> James
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> On Feb 26, 2014 7:26 AM, "Dr Ramesh Ramloll" <>
> >> >>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>> Hi James,
> >> >>>>>> It is important for user to make their needs known. Often 
> >> >>>>>> optimization
> >> >>>>>> decisions for invisible underlying important stuff are made that may
> >> >>> impact
> >> >>>>>> user needs at the top. It is crucial here for users not to be
> >> >>> discouraged
> >> >>>>>> to voice their opinions in a civil way (which I think we were 
> >> >>>>>> doing).
> >> >>> Some
> >> >>>>>> things may be needed at the top user level but can cannot be
> >> >>> implemented
> >> >>>>>> because it would mess up underlying thing that is important.  I do
> >> >>>>>> understand that, designing complex systems is almost always about
> >> >>> comprise.
> >> >>>>>> In this case, a bounding box may have been opted for may be because
> >> >>> it is
> >> >>>>>> faster for scenes containing large number of objects (and less error
> >> >>> prone
> >> >>>>>> than for complex shapes)... and it could be that a decision was made
> >> >>> to
> >> >>>>>> sacrifice precision of values returned by llCastRay for speed and 
> >> >>>>>> that
> >> >>>>>> would be understandable. In short, most people are mature enough to
> >> >>> know
> >> >>>>>> that competing concerns arise often and is typical, BUT stakeholders
> >> >>> have
> >> >>>>>> the right to try to influence direction and motivate development ...
> >> >>>>>> hopefully statements in that regard would not be viewed as a sign of
> >> >>>>>> "impatience".
> >> >>>>>> Hence the need for conversation... certainly  'keep quiet while we
> >> >>> work
> >> >>>>>> patiently in the background' or 'why don't YOU do it?' is not a
> >> >>> feature of
> >> >>>>>> a lively and thriving community.
> >> >>>>>> Sorry for the rant man, when llCastRay works, we found some really
> >> >>>>>> beautiful things happening...
> >> >>>>>> Ramesh
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:46 AM, James Stallings II <
> >> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> The key point being missed here is that OpenSim code is not 
> >> >>>>>>> 'frozen'
> >> >>> or
> >> >>>>>>> 'static' in any way. The llCastRay function is not exceptional in
> >> >>> this
> >> >>>>>>> respect; it could readily be extended (by someone knowledgeable in
> >> >>> the
> >> >>>>>>> subject area) to support the behavior that is anticipated based on
> >> >>> the
> >> >>>>>>> implementation in SL.
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> Whether or not anyone participating in this discussion meets that
> >> >>>>>>> description, it is quite likely that this will eventually happen; 
> >> >>>>>>> all
> >> >>>>>>> that's required is a bit of patience and/or coding skill (depending
> >> >>> on who
> >> >>>>>>> you might be ;)
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> Not to put too fine a point on it, but "...patches are welcome." 
> >> >>>>>>> For
> >> >>> the
> >> >>>>>>> rest of us, that translates as "Be patient."
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> Cheers!
> >> >>>>>>> James
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 10:20 PM, Dahlia Trimble <
> >> >>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> OpenSimulator currently only uses bounding boxes for llCastRay(),
> >> >>>>>>>> regardless of the physics engine selected. Other collisions are
> >> >>> computed in
> >> >>>>>>>> the physics engine, and in the case of BulletSIm or ODE, are
> >> >>> computed
> >> >>>>>>>> against mesh triangles or convex hulls, and are usually quite
> >> >>> accurate.
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 7:46 PM, Dr Ramesh Ramloll <
> >> >>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> Hello, are we to assume that opensim  will only use bounding 
> >> >>>>>>>>> boxes
> >> >>> for
> >> >>>>>>>>> llCastRay or  when detecting collisions? There are a lot of
> >> >>> compelling
> >> >>>>>>>>> applications that require the data for the point at which the ray
> >> >>> hits the
> >> >>>>>>>>> surface of a mesh object or for the point of collision on a mesh
> >> >>> object. Is
> >> >>>>>>>>> this one area where Second Life is definitely ahead because of
> >> >>> Havok4? I am
> >> >>>>>>>>> not very familiar with the underlying opensim infrastructure, so
> >> >>> would be
> >> >>>>>>>>> glad to hear more about this.
> >> >>>>>>>>> Thanks
> >> >>>>>>>>> R
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Chris <>
> >> >>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> If I recall correctly, the default physics engine was switched 
> >> >>>>>>>>>> to
> >> >>>>>>>>>> BulletSim some time ago although I can't recall when. Assuming
> >> >>> recent code
> >> >>>>>>>>>> is being used and also assuming the physics engine hadn't been
> >> >>> switched
> >> >>>>>>>>>> from default I would venture to say that BulletSim is likely
> >> >>> being used,
> >> >>>>>>>>>> but, that is just a guess on my part based on what I've seen and
> >> >>>>>>>>>> experimented with myself; I have no idea what setup OSGrid is
> >> >>> using since
> >> >>>>>>>>>> it has been a while since I've ran a sim connected there.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> I haven't had a chance to test this myself on BulletSim but I 
> >> >>>>>>>>>> have
> >> >>>>>>>>>> noticed some slight quirkiness with cast ray on some surfaces
> >> >>> (especially
> >> >>>>>>>>>> angled prims). I've not given it a full run on tests as I 
> >> >>>>>>>>>> haven't
> >> >>> used the
> >> >>>>>>>>>> cast ray functions all that much in my scripting.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> On 2/25/2014 10:48 AM, Handy Low wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Gwyneth Llewelyn <gwyneth.llewelyn <at>>
> >> >>> writes:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Hi Handy,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> Just for the sake of completeness, did you test with ODE or
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> BulletSim? I
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> believe the implementation might be
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> slightly different (or, then again, it's just my 
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> not-so-precise
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> testing).
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>        - Gwyn
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> On 25/02/2014, at 16:09, Handy Low wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> Currently it seems that the OpenSim implementation of
> >> >>> llCastRay()
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> gives
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> coordinates on a target object that lie on the bounding box 
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> of
> >> >>> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> object
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> rather than on the face of the prim itself.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> For example, casting a ray at a pair of linked cubes in 
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> OpenSim
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> will
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> generate
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> coordinates that lie on the cuboid bounding box that 
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> constrains
> >> >>> both
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> cubes.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> Likewise, casting a ray at a sphere will generate a point on 
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> sphere's
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> cubic bounding box.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> In SL, the same tests will both return points on the prim
> >> >>> surfaces.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Is this expected behaviour?
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks to Michael and Gwen for the fast replies.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Off the top of my head, I don't know which physics engine they
> >> >>> were
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> using,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> or how I can find out - the tests I've been doing have been in
> >> >>> OSGrid
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> (Sandbox Plaza) and in Kitely, if that's any help.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> --
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Handy
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
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> >> >>>>>>>>>> Physics: Open Dynamics Engine
> >> >>>>>>>>>> OS: Windows 7 (x64)
> >> >>>>>>>>>> CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 840 3.2 GHz
> >> >>>>>>>>>> Memory: 11 GB DDR3
> >> >>>>>>>>>> Database: MySQL 5.1.63 (x64)
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> >> >>>>>>>>> --
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> >> >>>>>>>>> *Rameshsharma Ramloll* PhD, CEO CTO DeepSemaphore LLC, Affiliate
> >> >>> *Research
> >> >>>>>>>>> Associate Professor*, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209
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> >> >>>>>> --
> >> >>>>>> 'Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.'
> >> >>>>>> *Rameshsharma Ramloll* PhD, CEO CTO DeepSemaphore LLC, Affiliate
> >> >>> *Research
> >> >>>>>> Associate Professor*, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209 
> >> >>>>>> Tel:
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> >> >>> Handy Low
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> >> >>>
> >> > --
> >> > Handy Low
> >> >
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > Opensim-users mailing list
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> >> >
> > --
> > Handy Low
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Handy Low

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