From: Fleep Tuque <>
Trying to help some fellow metaverse travellers, can anyone point me to
documentation or reference on the current status of hop:// or other
SLurl-like equivalents for opensim?

Was there ever any consensus or decision about the best way to share
hypergrid destination links including region names?

Its "almost" working in Firestorm 4.6.1 Fleep... and you can use hop:// externally to launcg Firestorm if its not running and prefill in the location, if Firestorm is running clicking an external hop:// brings up the teleport dialogue, you can use hop:// forms in the top address bar to jump to foreign grid destinations, and it works in IM and text chat too. When you jump between grids you get a clickable return address in nearby chat. Its almost all okay except that you cannot use the hop to jump between regions on the SAME grid.

I set up a test page for hop:// links and my notes on what I think OUGHT to work eventually (for use in the days when Cinders was working on this as we did some testing on some of the nightly builds and beta versions of FireStorm). It includes notes on what I believe is working now and in the various Firestorm versions...

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