I'm trying to get 2 DA's to sync up their registration and it is not working 
and looking for suggestions

net.spl.DASyncReg is set to true in the config and I have 2 DA addresses listed 
on the net.slp.DAAddresses line.
On a third server (using as an SA) I register a service on DA1 and can see that 
service using SLPTool pointed to DA1 but the registration never seems to be 
available from DA2 even after a restart of slpd

I'm a little unclear on some of the uses of the config items and maybe that is 
contributing to my problems:
for net.slp.DAAddresses conf file says this line is for UA's and SA's to find 
DA's but is it also used by DAs to know where to send new registrations on a 
sync operation?
for net.slp.DASyncReg, conf file says this makes the DA's sync on startup but 
what about for new registrations, do those sync as well and if so what type of 
communication should I expect to see in a trace for this sync operation? I'm 
not seeing syncronization even on a restart of the Daemon.

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