Hello Deter,

   In response to your questions:

1, 2, 3) We've had several external developers write working
applications on the Orkut sandbox so far.  Additionally, Ning and
Plaxo both have environments where people have been able to develop
OpenSocial based applications.  However, we have been seeing issues,
especially related to gadget latency that affect the number of errors
certain people are seeing in the Orkut sandbox.  Any information
(request and response data from FireBug, your location, etc) you can
supply can help us resolve these issues.  Please send me an email with
any additional information you can gather.

4.) We have some articles available at 
that help with initial gadget development, and are working on more
advanced tutorials that will explain structuring more sophisticated
applications, as well as an Orkut developer guide that will explain
the process of building an OpenSocial app on the Orkut platform.  If
you feel like documentation is lacking in any area, please submit a
feature request on this page ( 
) and we will try and accommodate you.

Keep in mind that this is a closed beta release.  You are helping us
identify and correct errors before we grant public access, so your
feedback is a huge help!


> Hello guys.
> I've written some small gadget, placed it on my server and have tried
> to add it to my account under sandbox.
> I can only see 5 applications in the application directory and none of
> those seem to work (aside from the random cat one, but it doesn't
> actually use any opensocial stuff).
> My application simply does not work. I keep getting errors from Orkut
> like: "information is not available at this time" in the gadget
> canvas.
> 1. Has any of you guys actually been able to write an Orkut
> application that works?
> 2. Is this service even functional for Orkut right now? Is it
> available for other containers?
> 3. If not, when is this service going to be available?
> 4. Learning about Google Gadgets (as fun as that was), did not suggest
> anything about the structure of an Orkut/other container's
> application. Is there something i'm missing?
> There's so much information around but nothing actually clears up the
> mess created by this (alpha? incomplete?) release.Can the Google
> representative i've seen around here answer these questions please?
> Thank you in advance,
> Lior.

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