
Move "<script>gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(init);</script>" to
the end of CDATA.
I'm not sure but may work.

> Hi,
> I have some trouble with my simple gadget.
> Here is the code of my .xml file and the code of the .js file which
> belongs to it:
> XML-File:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Module>
>  <ModulePrefs title="API test app" author_email="">
>    <Require feature="opensocial-0.7"/>
>  </ModulePrefs>
>  <Content type="html">
>    <![CDATA[
>        <script src="http://mitglied.lycos.de/xxx/API.js";></script>
>        <script>gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(init);</script>
>        <b>ownerFriends:</b>
>        <div id='ownerFriendsList'><div>
>        <b>viewerFriends:</b>
>        <div id='viewerFriendsList'></div>
>  ]]>
>  </Content>
> </Module>
> JS-File:
> function requestData()
> {
>        //to create a new DataRequest Object
>        var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
>        //add individual request to the DataRequest Object
>        req.add(req.newFetchPersonRequest('OWNER'), 'owner');
> req.add(req.newFetchPersonRequest(opensocial.DataRequest.PersonId.VIEWER),
> 'viewer');
> req.add(req.newFetchPeopleRequest(opensocial.DataRequest.Group.VIEWER_FRIENDS),
> 'viewerFriends');
>        req.add(req.newFetchPeopleRequest('OWNER_FRIENDS'), 'ownerFriends');
>        //distribute the request "send(optional-callbackfunction)"
>        req.send(onLoadFriends);
> }
> function onLoadFriends(data)
> {
>        var owner = data.get('owner').getData();
>        var viewer = data.get('viewer').getData();
>        var varOwnerFriends = data.get('ownerFriends').getData();
>        var varViewerFriends = data.get('viewerFriends').getData();
>        var html = new Array();
>        html.push('<ul>');
>        varOwnerFriends.each(function(listOfOwnerFriends){
>                html.push('<li>'+listOfOwnerFriends.getDisplayName()+'</li>');
>        });
>        html.push('</ul>');
>        document.getElementById('ownerFriendsList').innerHTML =
> html.join('');
>        var htmlFriends = new Array();
>        htmlFriends.push('<ul>');
>        varViewerFriends.each(function(listOfViewerFriends){
> htmlFriends.push('<li>'+listOfViewerFriends.getDisplayName()+'</
> li>');
>        });
>        htmlFriends.push('</ul>');
>        document.getElementById('viewerFriendsList').innerHTML =
> htmlFriends.join('');
> }
> function init()
> {
>  requestData();
> }
> Everytime I load this gadget, it shows me the "ownerFriends: with the
> list of the owners friends" but after this it stops and Firebug
> reports me an error:"document.getElementById("viewerFriendsList") has
> no properties". I have tried my app under orkut and hi5 and both got
> the same error.
> Funny is:
> On orkut sometimes the error changed into the follwing:
> "varViewerFriends.each(function(listOfViewerFriends){ ,
> varViewerFriends has no properties"
> after some refresh or delete and submit the gadget again (without any
> changes to the code) the error isn't anymore. Maybe this will also be
> happen on hi5 but till now I didn't get this 2nd error on hi5.
> Like you can see I host my .xml and .js file on lycos, I allready
> thought about connection problems and uploaded my files to google.code
> but with no result.
> I don't get it, the line with
> "document.getElement.ById("viewerFriendsList")" is just nearly the
> same like I use it for the ownersFriendsList , some line before ...
> Could someone help me or got such a error too ??
> best regards
> heiko
> >

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