Hi Tushar!
Thanks for the answer. But i'm still getting problems.

Do I need to
use ExternalInterface.addCallback("sendToFlash",null,sendToFlash);  at flash

May u send a .fla example ?



2008/9/20 Tushar Vaghela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> Here is the way to Pass value to Flash File.
> When you are Embedding  the Flash Object in Page, Add name of the variable
> and the value in parameter Movie and Embed Tag.
> Suppose your SWF file is myGame.swf, and you want to pass the UseName in
> it.
> The code for this would be something like this.
> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
>  codebase="
> http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0
> "
>  width="765"
> height="500"
> id="danceMELAApp_Sep_10_Test"
>  align="middle"
> >
> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
>  <param name="movie" value="myGame.swf?UseName='myUserName'" />
>  <param name="quality" value="high" />
> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
>  <embed src="myGame.swf?UseName='myUserName'"
>  quality="high"
> bgcolor="#ffffff"
> width="765"
>  height="500"
> name="myGame"
>  align="middle"
> allowScriptAccess="sameDomain"
> type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
>  pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"; />
> </object>
> You can Access _root.UseName in ActionScript which will return value
> myUserName
> And if you want to pass value on Runtime, Flash External Interface is handy
> to do this.
> Here's how you can send value from Flash to JavaScript Function,
> Suppose you want to pass Score to submitScore function in JavaScript.
> Code in Flash
> =================
> import flash.external.*;
> flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("submitScore", _root.nScore);
> In JavaScript
> =================
> function submitScore(score)
> alert("Submit Score Called with ("+score+")");
> }
> And Finally if you want to send the Value from JavaScript to Flash in
> Runtime, use this.
> Suppose you want to Pass your Username to Flash from JavaScript
> In JavaScript
> =================
> function thisMovie(movieName) {
>   var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;
>   return (isIE) ? window[movieName] : document[movieName];
> }
> thisMovie("myGame").sendToFlash(Username);
> Code in Flash
> =================
> import flash.external.*;
> function sendToFlash(Username) {
> trace("sendToFlash called with (+arguments+)");
> }
> Application in which I have used this is
> http://sandbox.orkut.com/Application.aspx?appId=998727593002<http://sandbox.orkut.com/Application.aspx?appId=998727593002>
> Some tips on how to use Flash with openSocial is at
> http://tusharvaghela.wordpress.com/2008/06/26/using-flash-with-open-social/
> Thank you,
> Tushar
> On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 7:34 AM, Robson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> Again, found a solution.
>> After looking at BuddyPoke code I saw that flash's plugin needed to
>> run is v.9.
>> Newest versions of Flash allow integration with javascript using
>> External Interface.
>> So, that's a clean solution to integrate Javascript and Flash. Another
>> tip is SWFOBJECT that encapsulates lot of crossbrowser function to run
>> flash using javascript.
>> Reference:
>> http://blog.deconcept.com/2005/08/16/external-interface/
>> Cheers,
>> --Robson
>> On 19 set, 22:29, Robson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Hi Guys,
>> >
>> > After reading lots of pages about Flash and Javascript integration, I
>> > found 2 ways to do that using FlashVars and SetVariable.
>> >
>> > 1) Under opensocial, I cant use SetVariable. I've tried to load flash
>> > file using SWFOBJECT and gadgets.io.getProxyUrl, but it didnt work.
>> > Does someone make it work ? Is that a security problem ?
>> >
>> > Error is:
>> > Error calling method on NPObject!
>> >
>> > 2) Using FlashVars I could setup the communication, but there's a
>> > weird thing happening. If I need to hide the flash object setting the
>> > display to none and then make it visible again, the .swf reloads. It
>> > just happens under FF and Chrome.
>> >
>> > Any ideas ?
> >

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