Hi James !

You forgot to use an input param on showSent function.

function showSent(data){

Why dont you send your parameters and then concatenate data to make your url
? It´s safer than doing what you did.


postdata_array={ uid: 1, size: "middle", type: "virtual"}
var postdata = gadgets.io.encodeValues(postdata_array);
var params = {};
params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.METHOD] =gadgets.io.MethodType.POST;
params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.POST_DATA]= postdata;
gadgets.io.makeRequest(url, showSent, params);

on your index.jsp, use request.getParameter("uid"),
request.getParameter("size") and request.getParameter("type")  to
concatenate and make your url.

If you can, install firebug on your firefox to see the async call and input
params. You can see if there´s a bug on encodeValues function.

Let me know if you have any doubt.


-Robson Dantas

2009/2/26 James Zhang <jmszh...@gmail.com>

> gadget.xml:
>                <script>
>                        gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(init);
>                        function init() {
>                                var url = "
> http://localhost:8080/test/index.jsp";;
>                                var postdata_array = {};
>                                postdata_array["field"] = "
> http://localhost/ucenter/avatar.php?
> uid=1&size=middle&type=virtual<http://localhost/ucenter/avatar.php?%0Auid=1&size=middle&type=virtual>
> ";
>                                var postdata =
> gadgets.io.encodeValues(postdata_array);
>                                var params = {};
>                                params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.METHOD]
> =
> gadgets.io.MethodType.POST;
>  params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.POST_DATA]= postdata;
>                                gadgets.io.makeRequest(url, showSent,
> params);
>                        }
>                        function showSent(){
>                        }
>                </script>
> index.jsp
> <%
> String field = request.getParameter("field");
> System.out.println("field is ["+field+"]");
> %>
> ---------------
> In index.jsp,you will never get this field value.
> but :"field is [null]"
> I think makerequest can't get post_data with "=".
> Very disappointed for these days!
> The data style "http://localhost/ucenter/avatar.php?
> uid=1&size=middle&type=virtual<http://localhost/ucenter/avatar.php?%0Auid=1&size=middle&type=virtual>"
> means ThumbnailUrl in lots of SNS site
> here!
> --James
> >

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