Hi Rafael!

About your english, no problem, since there´re many Brazilians here, like me

If I understood your question, you´ve already done what you want. if data ==
null, do whatever you want during first time and then set the value, so next
time nothing will happen.

Just change here:

  if (data == null){
        //do whatever you want..
        // set something to userAnuncData

Let me know if you have any doubt.



2009/3/31 Rafaleco <rafal...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Exists any way to check if an App Data was Stored?
> In example below, I never stored an Orption with "hasUserAnunc".
> Like this:
> function IsAnunc(){
>        var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
>        req.add(req.newFetchPersonAppDataRequest(idspec,
> "hasUserAnunc"),"userAnuncData");
>        req.send(processIsAnunc);
> };
> function processIsAnunc(response) {
>   var data = response.get("userAnuncData");
>      if (data == null){
>      }
> };
> I need this, because I wanna record a option only in the first time
> that the Owners App acess.
> Sorry about english, I'm Brazilian...
> Tks
> >

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