You should be able to reuse the makeRequest / Proxy classes (and their
RemoteContent fetcher dependencies) from shindig, you can find them in
shindig/php/src/gadgets/*{Proxy,Request}*.php. Either straight up extracting
those classes and intergrating them in your env, or using them to reverse
engineer what response format where should help make this work


   -- Chris

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Andi <> wrote:

> Hey Chris,
> i'm currently experimenting around with that. I just created s imple
> php proxy
> and changed JsonRpcContainer.sendRequest that it use makeRequest
> instead of makeNonProxiedRequest.
> It seems to work somehow. The data is passed through as JSON and i
> also get JSON data back
> but it seems i have to fullfill some special JSON structure, it seems
> that the response from Shindig is not enough,
> i also need to send the request params back from the proxy?
> So i try to use the most of the existing code, the proxy is not my
> best love but it should work for the moment.
> oh, maybe you know a simple php proxy that is already doing all that
> stuff? That would help, because figuring out
> whats wrong with that JSON parsin is really a pain in the ....
> About the features you mention, you are right, i don't care :-) I only
> need to talk to Shindig and get data from them.
> I treat Shindig as an adapter to an social platform out there. I must
> take care myself about rendering the data, this is why i
> don't want to and can't use the google gadget system.
> Andi
> On 25 Jun., 15:59, Chris Chabot <> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Andi <>
> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Chris,
> >
> > > thanks for your answer again, but unfortunatly i can't use Gadgets. I
> > > don't want to support 2 different systems
> > > of widgets and Gadgets.
> >
> > > So i still have to find a way to solve the XSS problem with directly
> > > using the opensocial API without gadget support.
> >
> > I could go on all day writing examples of where 'including a bunch of
> > javascript' is not going to give you an OpenSocial API, there's 30.000
> lines
> > of code in shindig (per implementation) plus an additional 15.000 lines
> of
> > javascript code to offer the 'OpenSocial API', and just including the JS
> > will not work since you'll be missing quite a few essential features that
> > Apache Shindig offers, but you do not really give the impression you are
> > going to care :)
> >
> > Anyhow to your problem, to bypass the XSS problem for makeRequest, you
> need
> > to create a proxy on the same domain as the server that generated your
> > 'widget', and pass all calls through that; That's the only way you can do
> > caching properly, and bypass the XSS problem on all popular browsers.
> >

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