
I got the same error and i have already added <Require
feature="dynamic-height" />, then also getting the error.


On Feb 26, 12:12 am, k-j <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi I was wondering if anyone is seeing this on Orkut's opensocial
> container.
> My canonical test is this friends list app which is derived from the
> orkut tutorial.
> Here's my XML gadget spec:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
> <Module>
>   <ModulePrefs title="Test App"
>                author_email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>                author_location ="Location">
>     <Require feature="opensocial-0.7" />
>   </ModulePrefs>
>   <Content type="html">
>     <![CDATA[
>       <script src="http://someurl.com/path/gifts.js";></script>
>       <script>
>         gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(init);
>         //_IG_RegisterOnloadHandler(init);
>       </script>
>       <div id='main'>
>         Your friends are:
>         <div id='friends'></div>
>       </div>
>     ]]>
>   </Content>
> </Module>
> Here the Javascript referenced above (gifts.js):
> function loadFriends() {
>   var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
>   req.add(req.newFetchPersonRequest('VIEWER'), 'viewer');
>   req.add(req.newFetchPeopleRequest('VIEWER_FRIENDS'),
> 'viewerFriends');
>   req.send(onLoadFriends);
> }
> function onLoadFriends(data) {
>   var viewer = data.get('viewer').getData();
>   var viewerFriends = data.get('viewerFriends').getData();
>   html = new Array();
>   html.push('<ul>');
>   viewerFriends.each(function(person) {
>     html.push('<li>' + person.getDisplayName() + "</li>");
>   });
>   html.push('</ul>');
>   document.getElementById('friends').innerHTML = html.join('');
> }
> function init() {
>   loadFriends();
> }
> Here are the errors I see in FireBug:
> os_a.rpc has no properties
> os_Ia()opensocial-0.7.js (line 4)
> loadFriends()gifts.js (line 2)
> init()gifts.js (line 23)
> runOnLoadHandlers()ifr (line 80)
>  function(){return"0.61"};os_$[_P].hasPermission=function(a){return
> a==os_Ga};var...
> opensocial-0.7.js (line 128)
> os_k() has no properties
>  os_Ha;var os_Ia=function(){return
> os_k().newDataRequest()};os_j.newDataRequest=o...
> opensocial-0.7.js (line 4
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