Are you able to successfully validate requests using this C# routine?
If so, very good work! :) You mention that your code isn't production-
quality, but if you wanted to polish it a bit, we would love to host
it on the opensocial-resources wiki with the PHP and Java

- Jason

On Sep 27, 1:43 am, Akash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I cracked the holy grail (At least for me:-)).
> Client Side:-
> I am using following javascript code to make a web service call.
>              var map = { "Content-Type" : "application/soap+xml;
> charset=utf-8"};
>          var params = {};
>          soapRequest =
>                                 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
>                                 "<soap12:Envelope " +
> "xmlns:xsi=\"\"; " +
> "xmlns:xsd=\"\"; " +
> "xmlns:soap12=\"\";>" +
>                                 "<soap12:Body>" +
>                                 "<" + method + " xmlns=\"" + ns + "\">" +
>                                 parameters.toXml() +
>                                 "</" + method + 
> "></soap12:Body></soap12:Envelope>";
> params[] =
> params[] =
> params[] = map;
> params[] =
> params[] = soapRequest;
>, function(req){
> SOAPClient._onSendSoapRequest(method, async, callback, context, wsdl,
> req);
>         }, params);
> When the post request reach Orkut Proxy Container, it generates a base
> signature string ( by Concatenate
> Request Elements
> The following items MUST be concatenated in order into a single
> string. Each item is encoded (Parameter Encoding) and separated by an
> ‘&’ character (ASCII code 38), even if empty.
> 1. The HTTP request method used to send the request. Value MUST be
> uppercase, for example: HEAD, GET , POST, etc.
> In our case it is "POST"
> 2. The request URL from Section 9.1.2 (Construct Request URL).
>    In our case it is
> 3. The normalized request parameters string from Section 9.1.1
> (Normalize Request Parameters).
> The request parameters added are following:-
> opensocial_owner_id      04260157720044639260
> opensocial_viewer_id      04260157720044639260
> opensocial_app_id      12536334869062616675
> opensocial_app_url
> xoauth_signature_publickey      pub.
> 1199819524.-1556113204990931254.cer
> oauth_consumer_key
> oauth_timestamp      1222452522
> oauth_nonce      1222452522836105000
> Base signature string is signed(hashed) and a private key is input for
> RSA-SHA1 algorithm and it generates a signature.
> Finally orkut container makes a web service call to the application
> server on behalf of orkut application.
> IMPORTANT: Inside the web method all parameters added by orkut
> container are available inside this.Context.Request.Params. These
> parameters are
> opensocial_owner_id      04260157720043639260
> opensocial_viewer_id      04260157720043639260
> opensocial_app_id      12536334849062616675
> opensocial_app_url
> xoauth_signature_publickey      pub.
> 1199819524.-1556113204990931254.cer
> oauth_consumer_key
> oauth_timestamp      1222452522
> oauth_nonce      1222452522836105000
> oauth_signature_method      RSA-SHA1
> oauth_signature      Q1xim4r9e+3LOpObb6GWhGkw41a8MTc9a
> +bNuleE8jwRyymXbdZNJBIq3N2RoC9Ojri2ha1V43Mj0JfovNDpYKoPnAUlwsUGzAp7KzpXcdAeyUw6txeCtkVSdsiWw7NhX/
> btdJs2dQzbMKBptGAfLdwjCYThmqLqwDicHU1Dr34=
> Verification:-
> I am using the code
> by you for help and great
> work)
> I created OpenSocialCertificates.cs that has content of certificate
> pub.1199819524.-1556113204990931254.cer
> *****OpenSocialCertificates.cs *****
> using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
> using System.Text;
> namespace DevDefined.OAuth
> {
>     public class OpenSocialCertificates
>     {
>         private const string _orkutCertificate =
>     @"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
> R29vZ2xlIEluYy4xDjAMBgNVBAsTBU9ya3V0MQ4wDAYDVQQDEwVscnlhbjCBnzAN
> BgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEAseBXZ4NDhm24nX3sJRiZJhvy9eDZX12G
> j4HWAMmhAcnm2iBgYpAigwhVHtOs+ZIUIdzQHvHeNd0ydc1Jg8e+C+Mlzo38OvaG
> D3qwvzJ0LNn7L80c0XVrvEALdD9zrO+0XSZpTK9PJrl2W59lZlJFUk3pV+jFR8NY
> XqUwgZoGA1UdIwSBkjCBj4AUv7TZGZaI+FifzjpTVjtPHSvbXqWhbKRqMGgxCzAJ
> GeIYpkHXzTa9Q6IKlc7Bt2xkSeY3siRWCxvZekMxPvv7YTcnaVlZzHrVfAzqNsTG
> P3J//C0j+8JWg6G+zuo5k7pNRKDY76GxxHPYamdLfwk=
> -----END CERTIFICATE-----";
>         public static X509Certificate2 OrkutCertificate
>         {
>             get { return new
> X509Certificate2(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(_orkutCertificate)); }
>         }
>     }
> }
> I added another method inside OAuthContextBuilder.cs because the
> parameters using for validation are inside datastructure
> request.Params
>        public OAuthContext FromHttpParams(HttpRequest request)
>         {
>             var context = new OAuthContext();
> // Required to create signature base string
> // Http Method
>             context.RequestMethod = request.HttpMethod;
> //Request URL
>             context.RawUri = new Uri("http://"; +
> request.Params["SERVER_NAME"] + request.Params["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
> //Request parameters
>             context.authParams.Add("opensocial_owner_id",
> request.Params["opensocial_owner_id"]);
>             context.authParams.Add("opensocial_viewer_id",
> request.Params["opensocial_viewer_id"]);
>             context.authParams.Add("opensocial_app_id",
> request.Params["opensocial_app_id"]);
>             context.authParams.Add("opensocial_app_url",
> request.Params["opensocial_app_url"]);
>             context.authParams.Add("xoauth_signature_publickey",
> request.Params["xoauth_signature_publickey"]);
>             context.authParams.Add(Parameters.OAuth_Consumer_Key,
> request.Params[Parameters.OAuth_Consumer_Key]);
>             context.authParams.Add(Parameters.OAuth_Signature_Method,
> request.Params[Parameters.OAuth_Signature_Method]);
>             context.authParams.Add(Parameters.OAuth_Timestamp,
> request.Params[Parameters.OAuth_Timestamp]);
>             context.authParams.Add(Parameters.OAuth_Nonce,
> request.Params[Parameters.OAuth_Nonce]);
> //Algorithm used for signing
>             context.SignatureMethod =
> request.Params[Parameters.OAuth_Signature_Method];
> //Signature
>             context.Signature =
> request.Params[Parameters.OAuth_Signature];
>             return context;
>         }
> Inside OAuthContext.cs I added a name value collection named
> authParams
>         public OAuthContext()
>         {
>             ...
>                 ...
>                 ...
>                 ...
>                 ...
>             //Akash
>             authParams = new NameValueCollection();
>         }
>             ...
>                 ...
>                 ...
>                 ...
>                 ...
>         public NameValueCollection authParams
>         {
>             get
>             {
>                 if (_authParams == null) _authParams = new
> NameValueCollection();
>                 return _authParams;
>             }
>             set { _authParams = value; }
>         }
>             ...
>                 ...
>                 ...
>                 ...
>                 ...
> Following is the code for generating signature based
>         public string GenerateSignatureBaseAuthParams()
>         {
>             var allParameters = new List<QueryParameter>();
>             allParameters.AddRange(authParams.ToQueryParameters());
>             // Returns signature based
>             return UriUtility.FormatParameters(RequestMethod, new
> Uri(NormalizedRequestUrl), allParameters);
>         }
> Here is the code for validation
>     private static string ValidateWithDevDefinedOAuth(HttpRequest req)
>     {
>         string str = "Validated";
>         try
>         {
>             OAuthContext context = new
> OAuthContextBuilder().FromHttpParams(req);
>             var signer = new OAuthContextSigner();
>             var signingContext = new SigningContext { Algorithm =
> DevDefined.OAuth.OpenSocialCertificates.OrkutCertificate.PublicKey.Key };
>             if (!signer.ValidateSignatureAuthParams(context,
> signingContext))
>             {
>                 str += "Validation Failed\n";
>                 throw new OAuthException(context,
> OAuthProblems.SignatureInvalid, "check certificate is still valid");
>             }
>         }
>         catch (OAuthException authEx)
>         {
>             str = authEx.Report.ToString();
>         }
>         return str;
>     }
> The code I have added is not a production quality code(Quite obvious).
> Thanks,
> -Akash
> On Sep 26, 11:05 pm, Akash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks Raman & Jason. Now I have much better clarity on how things
> > work.
> > I tried the options you suggested and able to make lot of progress.
> > Since I am making a web service call, I am wondering how to Generate
> > Signature Base. Following is the JS code I am using to make the web
> > service call.
> >          var map = { "Content-Type" : "application/soap+xml;
> > charset=utf-8"};
> >          var params = {};
> >          soapRequest =
> >                                 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" 
> > encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
> >                                 "<soap12:Envelope " +
> >                                 
> > "xmlns:xsi=\"\"; " +
> >                                 
> > "xmlns:xsd=\"\"; " +
> >          
> ...
> read more »
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