Hi Swapnil. See my answer to your previous thread:


Your application should offer some value to users who aren't members
of your site and don't wish to register. Since it's your application,
it's your prerogative to request that users sign in to your site
before they can rate and post comments, although this might impede its
popularity. It would be great if you allowed all users to rate and
comment on items within orkut and offer a form so users can "link"
their accounts so any ratings/comments they have added in your website
appear in orkut and vice versa. In a nutshell, you should not require
users to register but you can certainly provide incentives.

To answer your second question, you should really take advantage of
request signatures instead of using cookies. Any asynchronous HTTP
requests sent to your back-end can be signed by the container (orkut
in this case) so you can verify the authenticity of the request and
the user who issued the request. If you're using form submission to
post data, you can use the same technique to fetch a one-time token
from your back-end and send it with the post request.

Let me know if you have any more questions on any of this. I'm happy
to help. :)

- Jason

On Sep 30, 11:29 am, Swaps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> Since I am new bee I wanted to discuss 1 high level question. Our App
> will be displaying certain items which allow users to save information
> on our servers and rate and comment on different sections. On our site
> we allow these operations for a registered user only. On our site, we
> login the user and use cookies to make sure the user is logged in and
> authenticated.
> So whats the best way to handle these operations on orkut. One way I
> was thinking is when the user wants to perform any such operation in
> our orkut app, we can ask him to link his orkut account with our site
> account if he already has one or else ask him to register with our
> site right from the orkut app. Is this a recommended experience?
> Also since our site uses cookies whats the best way to handle cookie
> related operations on our backend servers?
> Waiting to hear from you.
> Thanks
> Swapnil
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