The OpenSocial v0.8 JavaScript API is already in place in the sandbox,
but there is no support for lifecycle events just yet. These may come
after higher priority initiatives such as the REST API are formally
rolled-out. In the meantime, there really is no elegant way to track
installs and uninstalls. Rohit's suggestion in the earlier thread of
setting an install flag using app data still applies but doesn't
really help with uninstalls. The developer guidelines recommend you
store the timestamp of the last user action and remove the user's data
once a certain interval has passed with no interaction, assuming the
user has uninstalled your app if they haven't used it in over a week.

- Jason

On Oct 3, 2:07 pm, rd-london <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Wonder if anyone can help.
> What's the current status re: tracking application install/uninstall
> on Orkut? Is it still as suggested here:
> or is there new functionality that is available on Orkut?
> I understand from discussions in these groups that there might be some
> such functionality available in Open Social 0.8, but:
> - is this available on Orkut - which I understand 
> from be
> running Open Social 0.7 (is this correct, or is it in fact running 0.8
> on live?)
> - if so, what's the functionality?
> - if this *isn't* available on live, what's the recommended approach
> to tracking uninstalling?
> Many thanks for help and clarification,
> Cheers
> R
> P.S. This was re-posted from recommended
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] so no senseless cross-posting happening.
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