Hi Sharath. The PROFILE_URL field is currently returning undefined in
the sandbox. This is a temporary issue which should be resolved
shortly. In the meantime, your code should work in the more stable
testing environment at http://prod.sandbox.orkut.com. Note that you
can only run OpenSocial v0.7 apps in prod sandbox.

- Jason

On Oct 13, 7:06 am, sharath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using the below code to get the user orkut it, but its showing
> the id as undefined.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  function request() {
> var params = {};
> params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.PROFILE_DETAILS] =
> [opensocial.Person.Field.PROFILE_URL];
> var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
> req.add(req.newFetchPersonRequest("VIEWER", params), "viewer");
> req.send(response);};
> function response(data) {
> var viewer = data.get("viewer").getData();
> var profile_url =
> viewer.getField(opensocial.Person.Field.PROFILE_URL);
> var regex = /uid=([^&#]+)/;
> var result = profile_url.match(regex);
> if (result.length == 2) {
> var uid = result[1];
> /* uid now contains the viewer's orkut UID */} else {
> alert('there was a problem getting the UID');
> /* there was a problem getting the UID */}
> };
> request();
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> I also went through this post but did not get any 
> solutionhttp://groups.google.com/group/opensocial-orkut/browse_thread/thread/...
> Kindly let me know some solution.
> Thanks
> Sharath
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