Currently we are not supporting updateAppData feature in the template
spec. Could you please give your usecase for using this feature in the
profile view?

As for fetching app data, please use the following:

<os:PersonAppDataRequest> - request to get app data

    * @key {string}
    * @userId {list<string>} Comma delimited IDs of the users to use
with "@groupid". Each item can be one of "@me", "@viewer", "@owner",
or a user ID.
    * @groupId {string} The group of users to get app data for.
Defaults to "@self", which returns the actual users listed in @userid.
Other values are "@friends" to get friends, or any other string to get
an arbitrary group. Optional.
    * @fields {list<String>} List of fields for which to get data.

    returns a map of OpenSocial app data objects, keyed by useId

        <os:PersonAppDataRequest key="MyFriendsPets" userId="@viewer"
groupId="@friends" fields="pets,petNames"/>

The information about app data in the DataPipelining spec is still not
implemented on orkut, hence this is the tag you can now use to access
the app data in templates.

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