Hi,  Our application Emergency Notifier (just one phone ring notifies your
contacts by call,email,sms immediately) went live on Orkut.  App link :

We are looking for ways to find how many users are using this. Is there any
api which we can use to query such stats.

Appreciate your help

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Rogerio R. Alcantara <
rogerio.alcant...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all!
> This is my first post on forum. I'm beginning with OS and English is
> not my native language, so please, try to threat me nice and forgive
> me for my poor English. ;)
> I've tried to deploy a test OS Application on Orkut Sandbox. First, i
> deployed the gadget with the html and the JavaScript on the same file.
> It works like a charm!
> So, I've tried to reallocate the JavaScript to a separated file,
> called "canvas.js" stored in the same place of the gadget. The
> application just stopped to work.
> Seeing the source of the page on Orkut Sandbox, i noted that OS
> changed the link for the canvas.js for a different address.. (hum..)
> .. my original canvas.js are stored at
> "http://code.google.com/p/rogerioopensocialtest/source/browse/trunk/
> canvas.js"
> and OS change to
> "//1-www.sandbox.orkut.gmodules.com/gadgets/concat?
> refresh=86400&container=orkut-sandbox&rewriteMime=text/
> javascript&gadget=http%3A%2F%2Frogerioopensocialtest.googlecode.com
> %2Fsvn%2Ftrunk%2FmostraAmigosDoVisitante.xml&fp=-182800334&1=http%3A%2F
> %2Fcode.google.com%2Fp%2Frogerioopensocialtest%2Fsource%2Fbrowse
> %2Ftrunk%2Fcanvas.js"
> I've never read anything about this behavior on OS documentation, so
> I'm assuming that the OS just do that for some mystic reason and it's
> ok for me!
> But, when i tried to call the new url at browser, i downloaded a file
> called "p.txt" (?) with a lot of new weird JavaScripts (OS
> customizations, i suppose) and my JavaScript in the middle of an html
> table (?).
> To test if the gadget xml keep finding my JavaScript placed at new
> canvas.js file, I've created a simple function called digaOla() (say
> hello in Portuguese) that just displays an JavaScript alert. I did a
> call for this function on the gadget file before the
> "gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(init)" call and nothing happened
> again. =\
> The source of my gadget are located at:
> http://code.google.com/p/rogerioopensocialtest/source/browse/trunk/mostraAmigosDoVisitante.xml
> and my js file are located at:
> http://code.google.com/p/rogerioopensocialtest/source/browse/trunk/canvas.js
> Somebody have any idea how to proceed?
> Thanks for your attention and help.
> Rogério.
> >

Vijay Gaur
LimeAll -- http://www.LimeAll.com
TringAll -- http://www.TringAll.com
Honesti -- http://www.Honesti.com

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