Hi Subbu,
Thanks for getting your profile view working using templates. I expect that
by second week of april, we can start showing the profile view in production
for apps using os templates. I checked the code in, but it takes time for it
to propagate to production.

We also need to get you os:NavigateToView before that - stay tuned.


On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 2:40 PM, subhasis....@gmail.com <
subhasis....@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am a developer at weRead and is currently working on trying to put
> our application back on profile page. I tried all sort of things that
> are suggested to do that viz. data pipelining and templates /
> javascript api for data pipelining / old ways of doing a makeRequest
> and creating the html dynamically / even i tried putting simple
> "Hello" string .... but NONE of them got the profile back on
> production (though on sandbox everything is working).
> Coding:
> To differentiate between canvas and profile i tried both <Content
> type="html" view="profile">/<Content type="html" view="canvas">  as
> well as "gadgets.views.getCurrentView().getName()".
> Templates i rendered as -
>           <script xmlns:os="http://ns.opensocial.org/2008/markup";
> type="text/os-data">
>               <os:ViewerRequest key="viewer"/>
>               <os:OwnerRequest key="owner"/>
>           </script>
>           <script xmlns:os="http://ns.opensocial.org/2008/markup";
> type="text/os-data">
>               <os:HttpRequest key="profileData" href="http://
> orkut.weread.com/profile/view/profile_orkut_json.php?uid=${owner.id}
> &bl=5&con_sandbox=opensocial&container_type=orkut&dwc=true&user=$
> {owner.id}%7C${owner.name.givenName}" format="json"
> refreshInterval="1"/>
>           </script>
>           <script type="text/os-template">
>                               <div class="profile-wrapper">
>                   <div class="user-atom" if="${profileData.bookCount
> [0] == '0'}">
>                      <a href="${profileData.userReadsLink}">$
> {owner.name.givenName} ${owner.name.familyName}</a> is sharing <a
> href="${profileData.bookCount[1]}">${profileData.bookCount[0]} books</
> a> and <a href="${profileData.reviewCount[1]}">$
> {profileData.reviewCount[0]} reviews</a>.
>                   </div>
>                   .....
>                   .....
>                   .....
> Current javascript style -
>       ....
>       var mode = gadgets.views.getCurrentView().getName();
>       if (mode == "profile"){
>               showProfile(baseUrl, dataResponse);
>               return;
>       }
>       ....
>       ....
>       showProfile(baseUrl, dataResponse){
>               var obj = document.getElementById("profileview");
>               obj.innerHTML = "Hello";
>       }
>       ....
> But nothing works at least for our app!!! I can see a few apps which
> has their profile up and running with native profile rendering but not
> mine.
> Wanted to know if orkut is having a list of specific apps being
> allowed to show
> up their profile or so? OR In what ways i can try and get my app back
> on the profile? I have been working on it for last 1 week ... so any
> help will be highly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Subbu
> >

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