My application has a tab showing recent activities from users. The app
requests my server which user IDs have the most recent activities,
then it uses newFetchPeopleRequest for retrieving info from these

ids = [ <collection from my server > ]

var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
  userId:  ids,
  groupId: 'SELF'
}), 'users');

req.send(function(response) {
  var users = response.get('users').getData();

This was working OK a couple of days ago, even if the collection
contained some ID which represented a user who had uninstalled the
app. Now, this is not working.

If there is such a user, the request returns a 404. For example, I
made a request with only two IDs, one with app and another without it.
I am getting this:

<TITLE>Not Found</TITLE>
<H1>Not Found</H1>
<H2>Error 404</H2>

Before, the server just ignored the second user and I could get info
from the first user.

Is the Orkut team aware of this? If so, is it really the intended
behavior? How could I do to get this functionality back?

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