
The document you refer to is a really old version of the opensocial
API which may not be fully supported now.
Can you please cross check with the latest version documents (0.8.1)?


On May 2, 11:47 am, Zhou Li <lzc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I've got into some trouble with newFetchActivitiesRequest, even did I
> paste the code 
> inhttp://code.google.com/apis/opensocial/docs/0.6/devguide.html#Activities
> gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(getActivities);
> function getActivities() {
>   var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
>   req.add(req.newFetchPersonRequest('VIEWER'), 'viewer');
>   req.add(req.newFetchActivitiesRequest('VIEWER'),
> 'viewerActivities');
>   req.add(req.newFetchActivitiesRequest('VIEWER_FRIENDS'),
> 'friendActivities');
>   req.send(showActivities);
> }
> function showActivities(dataResponse) {
>   var viewer = dataResponse.get('viewer').getData();
>   var viewerActivities = dataResponse.get('viewerActivities').getData()
> ['activities'];
>   var friendActivities = dataResponse.get('friendActivities').getData()
> ['activities'];
>   var htmlout = '';
>   htmlout += '<h2>Your activities:</h2><br>';
>   htmlout += getActivitiesHtml(viewerActivities);
>   htmlout += '<h2>Your friends\' activities:</h2><br>';
>   htmlout += getActivitiesHtml(friendActivities);
>   document.getElementById('read_activities').innerHTML = htmlout;
> }
> function getActivitiesHtml(stream) {
>   console.log(stream);
>   var htmlout = '';
>   stream.each(function(activity) {
>     var link = activity.getField('url');
>     if (link) {
>       htmlout += '<a href="' + link +'" target="_blank">'+
> activity.getField('title') + '</a>';
>     } else {
>       htmlout += activity.getField('title');
>     }
>     htmlout += '<br>';
>   });
>   return htmlout;
> }
> function writeActivity() {
>   var streamFolder = 'sampleFolder';
>   var streamTitle = 'Sample Stream';
>   var stream_params = {'url': 'http://samplestream.com'};
>   var stream = opensocial.newStream(streamFolder, streamTitle,
> stream_params);
>   var title = document.getElementById('title').value;
>   var link = document.getElementById('link').value;
>   var activity_params = {'url' : link}
>   var activity = opensocial.newActivity(stream, title,
> activity_params)
>   opensocial.requestCreateActivity(activity, "HIGH", getActivities);
> }
> </script>
> <div id="write_activities">
>   Title:<input id="title" /><br>
>   Link:<input id="link" /><br>
>   <input type="button" value="add activity" onclick="writeActivity
> ();" />
> </div>
> <div id="read_activities">
> </div>
> and try "view development version", the activities still cannot be
> shown.
> I've caught this error in error console.
> Error: dataResponse.get("viewerActivities") is undefined
> Can somebody tell me why this happen? Thanks.
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