I don't know if any previous message from my about this issue will
surface as this is my third post and i can't seem to find any records
for the first two...

Anyway, I'm trying to set a some flag using the persistence api and
event though I'm basically using the code from the example and the
function reports success, I can't seem to retreive the data.
Furthermore by tracing the post via firebug I get the following post


Meaning it really doesnt post anything...
I'm using the pro.sandbox.orkut.com website to test out the app and
the code I'm using is bellow:

Thanks in advance for any help on this as I'm really lost here.

function testApp(){
var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
req.add(req.newUpdatePersonAppDataRequest("VIEWER", "myKey",

function set_callback(response) {
  if (response.get("set_data").hadError()) {
  } else {


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