We apologize for the earlier incorrect communication sent regarding
signing up for a sandbox. It is required to sign up for sandbox.
  A non fixed bug is blocking sign ups and will be fixed in the next
few days. The bug fix will resolve this issue and allow future sign
ups for sandbox.


On Sep 23, 4:01 am, ergalassi <ergala...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Please:
> First of all, there are already 3 or 4 posts reporting the same issue.
> So I kindly ask everybody to search the messages, because I also
> believe that as many people begin to report the problem using the same
> thread, as fast Google will notice that and might provide us with a
> proper response.
> Then: Athira´s solutions did not fix my case and I am force to believe
> that it will not solve anybody´s problem for sandbox signup, since
> sandbox login is capable of detecting between sandbox x non-sandbox
> accounts, which on the last case will redirect the user tohttp://www.orkut.com
> instead ofhttp://sandbox.orkut.com
> Sorry for my bad english and if it seems rude, but I am also waiting
> for this solution, so good luck to us all.
> Tks,
> Erick
> On 22 set, 04:54, Athira JJ <api.ath...@google.com> wrote:
> > There is no special sign up required for sandbox, anyone with a valid
> > orkut account can upload their apps on sandbox.
> > If you dont have one login tohttp://www.orkut.comandcreate an
> > account.
> > Once you have the account created, please point the url 
> > tohttp://sandbox.orkut.com
> > to access sandbox.
> > Regards,
> > Athira
> > On Sep 21, 8:31 pm, Higor Bimonti <higor.bimo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi.
> > > Is subsciption tosandboxdisabled for new developers? Here at my
> > > company we're trying to sign new guys to theorkutsandboxbut for
> > > weeks it seems to be disabled and returns a server error message.
> > > Is that normal?
> > > Thanks.
> > > Higor
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