Hi All,
This post is related to my earlier below post

The flash is working on orkut and I'm able to store user preferences.
Here I must disclose my API fully so that anyone can help me out
further. One section of my API will store user choices in the database
and the other will list all those user from orkut, who have added my
API but may or may not be friend of this user, with whom this user's
choices are similar. I'm sure you all must have got the objective of
my API... Users with matching choices can send friend request and...
social network will grow large and large!!!

As I've mentioned I'm able to store user choices but now got stuck in
the other section. I need to fetch those user's open social ids from
my database and return them to orkut so that orkut can return their
THUMBNAIL, DISPLAY NAME & PROFILE URL which I will list to the user.
For doing this I'm able to plot the below logic:

1)Fetch and store ids in an ASP array
2)Create Javascript array through ASP and assign the ASP array values
to Js array
3)Call a JS function "ShowMatch" on BODY ONLOAD event and pass JS
array to this function
4)ShowMatch will create a REQUEST object and send the array to ORKUT
and the Callback function "HandleMatch" will finally list those
returned info

I'm able to do step 1 & 2 but not able to call the function on orkut!!
I mean the event isn't firing due to which the function is not being
called. Further query:

1) Is this the right way to call a function in Orkut, at Body OnLoad
event!!! I dont think so
2) Or should I define a div with an Id in the Match List page and look
out for the presence of this div in Javascript Callback function and
if the div is present I should call ShowMatch function. But for this,
I think, I need to declare the JS array at GLOBAL and just populate it
in the Match List Page so that the ShowMatch function could use it

Also, is this the right code for creating a request object with
passing array of IDs
function showMatch(matchIDs)
     var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
     req.add(req.newFetchPeopleRequest(matchIDs), 'matchUsr');

Can anyone guide me in the right direction!!! Anyone!!! Please... My
work is almost complete but I want to complete it completely. Please
help me as how to pass the ASP array to JS and use it in JS function
and create Request Object for orkut.

Thanks & Regards to all,

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