Hi vinoth,
              You are doing most basic mistake.


 <ModulePrefs title="GALACTICA"
 screenshot="C:\orkut\scr_shot.bmp" description="SPACE SHIP"
 author="VINODH" author_email="vino...@gmail.com" >

How can orkut get your image from "C:\orkut\scr_shot.bmp"  ??  You
should have an url tht is accessible by web starting with  http://

Same goes with

   <center style="padding:0; margin:0;"><img
 src="GAME_PREVIEW_IMAGE_URL" border=0 height="250"  style="overflow:

Here GAME_PREVIEW_IMAGE_URL is your image url which you give to
preview your image.

replace with http:// image url.

Same goes with your embed tag

 document.getElementById('main').innerHTML ='<div style="padding-
 bottom:15px;"></div><embed src="C:\orkut\galactica_GM_D11.5.dcr"
 height="500" type="application/x-director"
 AllowScriptAccess="always" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="http://

Replace  C:\orkut\galactica_GM_D11.5.dcr
with some swf file url . or some image

well for first i would recommend you start with basic Hello World

document.getElementById('main').innerHTML ='Hello World'; Once this
works you can proceed further.

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