Hi Anikendra,

Seems like my previous post didn't get through, so posting again.

FYI, I too was able to see both your apps in sandbox. I guess you may
need to give the &bpc=1 switch a try.

@ Dhaval
Thanks again! You've always been a great help in this forum and we're
very proud to have you here in this community!

I think your post should be given a separate thread of its own and
made a sticky where all can contribute. What do you think?

Best Regards,

On Feb 24, 12:33 pm, Dhaval Pancholi <dhavalyo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ankitendra,
>                      I have come through many posts where they take
> you step by step how to write an orkut application but there are very
> very few posts which  help developers to debug an orkut application.
> Following few debugging tips always work for me.
> 1) IMP. point Check whether your new xml is been loaded. orkut always
> takes xml fom cache so whenever you upload your new xml it does'nt
> come from your server it comes from orkut cache. So Solution append
> &bpc=1 in your xml url so that your entire url looks 
> likehttp://www.yourdomain.com/abc.xml?bpc=1
> To be totally sure that my new xml is been loaded i generally append
> version number and have an alert in the first function of my xml which
> points me out my mxl version alert(' v-1.1');
> alert(' v-1.2'); and etc.
> 2) Use Firebug-firefox addon to show you your javascript errors.
> 3) If you get error 500 Internal Server Error. Check your url you
> submitted to orkut in a stand alone page. There might be a case your
> server may be at fault.
> 4) Now in profile view if you are calling some json data with url
> using profile templates check that url in a stand alone. to see
> whether your file outputs proper json formatted string.
> 5) Many times orkut returns us an object in a callback function now
> this is very frustrating thing now how on earth would i know what data
> that object contains. Trust me there are many times where you would
> want to use the returned object. So following function i use which
> gives me all the properties and methods of the object which helps me a
> lot.
> Pass any object in this function and your would get all the properties
> and methods in the alert box.
> function popUpProperties(inobj) {
>         var html="";
>         for (objprop in inobj) {
>         html=html+objprop + ' => ' + inobj[objprop] + '\n';
>         }
>         alert(html);
> }
> 6) For the last one this will not help you debug but it will
> definitely help you not freak out. There are many posts telling i got
> your token has been expired.{I posted  the same questions few months
> ago :) } So in this case here is what you do. You logout of your
> sandbox account and then you log in again and then start working with
> your application.
> Your authorization token seems to get destroyed when you clear your
> cache etc.
> As far as Anikendra  you are concerned your xml loads just fine and i
> could use your Kiss me application

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