
Got some free time here and wrote a small sample (really simple) using as3
calling a callback inside flash, and calling javascript from flash. Both

Download it from:

I have a sample application, bundled with some common operations, such as
retrieving friends, using templates & data pipelining. Added a flash example
there. Go to sandbox and add

Hope it helps you. Will write a post on opensocial-br blog about it.


Robson Dantas

2010/4/6 Robson Dantas <>

> Hi João,
> Switch to opensocial-br and send us your as3 code. There´re some guys over
> there who can help you with this issue.
> Regards,
> Robson Dantas
> 2010/4/5 Prashant (Google) <>
> Hi João,
>> I don't have much knowledge of Flash and probably the people around
>> here haven't faced the callback issue. Please try
>> and (in case you know
>> Portuguese).
>> ~Prashant.
>> On Apr 2, 12:24 am, João <> wrote:
>> > Hello to All!
>> > JS can access my SWF without problems but
>> > I'm having trouble to go to my JS Calback swf,
>> >
>> > My JS:
>> >
>> > <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
>> >       function thisMovie(movieName) {
>> >       if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) {
>> >       return window[movieName];
>> >       } else {
>> >       return document[movieName];
>> >       }
>> >       }
>> >       function sendToJavaScript(value) {
>> >       var teste = value;
>> >       thisMovie("aplicativo_1").foo();
>> >       }
>> >           </script>
>> >        <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
>> >       id="aplicativo_1" width="600" height="500"
>> >       codebase="
>> > flash/">
>> >       <param name="movie" value="
>> > aplicativo_1.swf" />
>> >       <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
>> >       <param name="quality" value="high" />
>> >       <param name="bgcolor" value="#869ca7" />
>> >       <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
>> >       <embed src="";
>> > quality="high" bgcolor="#869ca7"
>> >       width="100%" height="100%" name="aplicativo_1" align="middle"
>> >       play="true" loop="false" quality="high"
>> > allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true"
>> >       allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
>> >       pluginspage="";>
>> >       </embed>
>> >       </object>
>> >
>> > And my ActionScript:
>> >
>> > public function onFrame2():void {
>> >                         ExternalInterface.marshallExceptions = true;
>> >                         isAvailable = ExternalInterface.available;
>> >
>> >             availTxt = new TextField();
>> >             availTxt.text = isAvailable.toString();
>> >             addChild(availTxt);
>> >
>> >                         var texto:String = "opss!!!"
>> >
>> >                         try{
>> >             ExternalInterface.addCallback("foo", foo);
>> >                         }catch (e:SecurityError) {
>> >                                 trace(e)
>> >                         }
>> >
>> >                         try{
>> >           "sendToJavaScript",
>> > texto );
>> >                         }catch (e:SecurityError) {
>> >                                 trace(e)
>> >                         }
>> >                 }
>> >                 public function foo(t:String = null):void {
>> >                         try {
>> >                                  availTxt.text = "hahahahahah" + t;
>> >                          addChild(availTxt);
>> >                         }catch (e:Error) {
>> >                                 trace(e)
>> >                         }
>> >
>> >                         try {
>> >                                 throw new Error("exception from
>> > actionscript!!!!")
>> >                         }catch (e:Error) {
>> >                                 trace(e)
>> >                         }
>> >                 }
>> >
>> > I'm a few days suffering from this, please if they have a solution
>> > thanks for your help.
>> --
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