
I am developing an application on Orkut, and in the meantime
discovered a bug that prevented me to continue working on it ...

I created ways to pass data from JavaScript to Flash! So far so
good .. just that when flash tries to load an image, a security error
number # 2122 and # 2123 that sometimes reports that it found a policy
file to access the images, so I put in my code

Security.loadPolicyFile ('http://orkut.com/crossdomain.xml');
Security.allowDomain ('*. orkut.com');

when I run the application, he says he found the policy file to access
only the file did not grant the access needed images, which they tend
to be inside or img3.orkut.com img2.orkut.com ...

I would like to know how to solve this problem ... because've seen
applications that are made in Flash that run the images normally.

If possible send me lines of code that solve the problem.

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