pls help.......

when i run it in sandbox works fine:-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
title="List Albums example">
<Require feature="opensocial-0.8" />
<Content type="html"><![CDATA[<style type="text/css">
img {
border: solid gray 1px;
#photoGrid img {
float: left;
width: auto;
margin-right: 10px;
table {
border: solid gray 1px;
background-color: #EEEEEE;
margin-bottom: 15px;
<script type="text/javascript">

// Fetches all of the viewer's albums that are publicly
viewable (i.e.
// "shared with everyone"
function fetchAlbums() {
var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
var idspec = opensocial.newIdSpec({'userId'

req.add(req.newFetchAlbumsRequest(idspec), 'viewerAlbums');

// Callback function, executed when orkut finishes fetching
the viewer's
// public albums
function fetchAlbumsHandler(resp) {
var viewerAlbumsResp = resp.get('viewerAlbums');

if (!viewerAlbumsResp.hadError()) {
var viewerAlbums = viewerAlbumsResp.getData();

// Add a table row for each album
function(album) {

// Adds a new table row for the passed album, displaying its
// name, and description
function createAlbumRow(album) {
var row = document.createElement('tr');
var thumbnailCell = document.createElement('td');
var descriptionCell = document.createElement('td');

// Add an image tag to the first cell with the album's
// also include an event handler which executes fetchPhotos
// when the image is clicked, passing in the album's ID.
thumbnailCell.innerHTML =
'<img src="' + album.getThumbnailUrl() +
'" onclick="fetchPhotos(\'' + album.getId() + '\')"/>';

// Output the album's title...
descriptionCell.innerHTML =
'<b>' + gadgets.util.escapeString(album.getTitle()) + '</

// ... and description
descriptionCell.innerHTML +=
'<p>' + gadgets.util.escapeString(album.getDescription())
+ '</p>';


// Add the new row to the table

// Fetches all photos from the album with the passed ID
function fetchPhotos(albumId) {
var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
var idspec = opensocial.newIdSpec({'userId':'VIEWER',

req.add(req.newFetchMediaItemsRequest(idspec, albumId),

// Callback function, executed when orkut finishes fetching
// requested media items
function fetchPhotosHandler(resp) {
document.getElementById('photoGrid').innerHTML = '';
var albumPhotosResp = resp.get('albumPhotos');

if (!albumPhotosResp.hadError()) {
var albumPhotos = albumPhotosResp.getData();

// Add each photo's thumbnail to the photo grid
function(photo) {

// Adds the passed photo's thumbnail to the photo grid
function addToPhotoGrid(photo) {
document.getElementById('photoGrid').innerHTML +=
'<img src="' + photo.getThumbnailUrl()+'"/>';

// Execute fetchAlbums function when gadget loads

<!-- Table to display album thumbnail and metadata -->
<table id="albumTable" cellspacing="5"></table>

<h2>Photos from selected album:</h2>

<!-- Styled div to display photos from selected album -->
<div id="photoGrid"></div>]]></Content>

but when i run in eclipse ide in console it gives the following
0 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - Logging to
org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter(org.mortbay.log) via
141 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - jetty-6.1.15
1047 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - Extract file:/C:/eclipse/plugins/
incubating.war to C:\DOCUME~1\abhijeet\LOCALS~1\Temp
10453 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - NO JSP Support for /, did not
find org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
13047 [main] INFO org.jsecurity.config.TextConfiguration -
Attempting to load Configuration based on 'config' property.
13109 [main] INFO org.jsecurity.web.DefaultWebSecurityManager - http
mode - enabling ServletContainerSessionManager (Http Sessions)
13156 [main] INFO org.jsecurity.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManager - Could
not find a specific ehcache configuration for cache named
using defaults.
13156 [main] INFO org.jsecurity.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManager -
Started EHCache named
13156 [main] INFO org.jsecurity.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManager - Using
preconfigured EHCache named
15281 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - Started
816328 [Timer-0] INFO org.mortbay.log - Deploy C:\eclipse\osde_jetty
\osde_context_album1.xml ->
and Settings\abhijeet\workspace\album1\target}
816406 [Timer-0] INFO org.mortbay.log - NO JSP Support for /album1,
did not find org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet


this works fine in orkut sandbox but fails in eclipse IDE " NO JSP
Support for /album1, did not find
org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet" what to do now to resolve it?

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