Now that i've switched over from over to I am no longer able to access my persistent data
again. Here is the object that is being returned to me when I try to
get all fields:

params:{userId:["@viewer"], groupId:"@self", appId:"@app", fields:[]},
id:"fooKey"}, processData:(function (F) {return
opensocial.Container.escape(F, C, true);}), processResponse:(function
(C, F, E, D) {var G = E ? JsonRpcContainer.translateHttpError(E.code) :
null;return new (opensocial.ResponseItem)(C, E ? null :
this.processData(F), G, D);})}, data_:null, errorCode_:"unauthorized",
errorMessage_:(void 0)}}, globalError_:true, errorMessage_:(void 0)})

Notice there is an error code: "unauthorized"....why am I unauthorized
if I am the owner and viewer of the app and the app is trying to get my

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