Hello developers,

We've just published the new orkut Client Library 2.0 Developer 

It is essentially a guided tour through the main features of the orkut 
Client Library and is intended to get you up and running with it as soon as 
possible. If you've worked with version 1.1 of the library, you will notice 
that we haven't changed the essence of the library but we have made it 
easier to use and integrate with (for example, introducing the new *
OrkutAdapter* class).

You can download the library from 
Version 2.0 introduces a new download format: a binary-only distribution 
with a single JAR file that you can just drop into your project's class 
path, without any external dependencies (you can find it on the downloads 
list on the right side of the page).

If you've never used the library before, this might be a good time to take a 
look at it! It essentially allows you to make requests to the orkut servers 
on behalf of a user. That user must authenticate with orkut and authorize 
your application to access his data, of course, and this is done via OAuth.

After authentication, you can issue requests to the orkut servers on behalf 
of the user. Here are some of the things you can do:

   - Read person profiles
   - Read scraps
   - Write scraps
   - Reply to scraps
   - Read the activity stream
   - Post to the activity stream
   - Change the user's status text
   - Issue friendship requests
   - Accept/reject friendship requests
   - Create, delete, update and list albums
   - Create, delete, update and list photos in albums (yes, you can upload 
   new photos directly!)
   - List and fetch videos
   - Get upcoming birthday notifications for friends

As a quick example, here's a snippet of code that lists the user's friends 
(after authentication):

GetFriendTx friends = orkad.getFriendTF().getSelfFriends();
friends.setCount(20); // get up to 20 friends

BatchTransaction btx = orkad.newBatch();

if (friends.hasError()) {
   // handle error

int i;
say("You have " + String.valueOf(friends.getFriendsCount()) + " friend(s):");
for (i = 0; i < friends.getFriendsCount(); i++) {
   OrkutPerson f = friends.getFriend(i);

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