Hi Bruno

Can you please clarify, if I don't change anything the width would be
835 as it is today?
Is it correct?


On Feb 22, 5:04 am, "Bruno Oliveira (\"btco\")" <bru...@google.com>
> Hello orkut developers,
> We now support two cool new features for gadgets in canvas view:
>    - Container version detection
>    - Flexible application width
> A quick introduction follows. We hope you enjoy them! They're enabled on
> sandbox and should reach production soon. If you have any feedback, please
> let us know!
> *Container Version Detection*
> The Container Version is supplied to your gadget in a new iframe parameter
> (containerVersion) in canvas view, so it can be retrieved like this:
> var containerVersion = gadgets.util.getUrlParameters()["containerVersion"];
> Its value is 1 for the canvas view container in the old orkut UI and 2 for
> the canvas view container in the new orkut UI. You can read this to
> determine which container your application is running inside of. Please be
> aware, however, that "container version" is not the same as "orkut UI
> version"... for now, there is a 1-to-1 correspondence (1 for old orkut, 2
> for new orkut) but this may come out of sync when we launch new container
> versions or new UIs.
> *Configurable App Width*
> That's right, we now support configurable width for applications in canvas
> view!
> You can specify a "preferred width" to orkut in your applications XML by
> means of the preferred_width attribute of the Content tag:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Module>
>    <ModulePrefs title="Yourtitlehere"
>       author="authorhere"
>       author_email="email_h...@......com"
>       description="Description here...."
>       screenshot="http://url/of/a/screenshot/of/your/app";
>       thumbnail="http://url/of/the/thumbnail/for/your/app";>
>       <Require feature="opensocial-0.8" />
>       <Locale lang="en" country="us" />
>    </ModulePrefs>
> <Content type="html" *preferred_width="900"*>
> <![CDATA[
> ...
> </Content>
> </Module>
> The container will try to allocate your indicated width but might have to
> crop it if it's too big and expand it if it's too small. The actual width
> will be reported to you in the "gadgetWidth" iframe parameter.
> Some points to take into account are:
>    - The preferred_width parameter will only be taken into account when
>    rendering your application on container version 2, but will be ignored in
>    container version 1.
>    - The container might or might not honor your preferred width depending
>    on the available space.
>    - The gadgetWidth iframe parameter is only available to your application
>    in container version 2 and above. This is the "slight catch" we were 
> talking
>    about above.
> Therefore, the correct way to determine your application's actual width is
> first testing the container version and then, if the version is 2 or above,
> reading the gadgetWidth parameter. Otherwise (container version 1), the
> width of the gadget is fixed at 835px. So an example of Javascript code
> would be:
> // Determines the actual width of the application
> function getActualWidth() {
>    return (gadgets.util.getUrlParameters()["containerVersion"] >= 2) ?
>              gadgets.util.getUrlParameters()["gadgetWidth"] : 835;
> }- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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