Our company (Come2Play) , has 22 game apps submitted to Orkut.
All apps names are branded as "Come2Play {GameName}".

We've started getting lot's of email from AppReviewer, mainly 3 types
of them:
1) Broken Images ("There were HTTP problems fetching the following
URLs...") - those we checked and fixed immediately.

2) Broken SSO process ("There were HTTP problems fetching the
following URLs..")
    Our apps does Single-Sign-On inside an iFrame hosted on our
    It's base-URL is http://orkut.come2play.com/user_verified.asp?{sso
parameters} , and we're getting a lot of emails from AppReviewer
saying the URL won't load.
    As we tested the URL given from AppReviewer the URL works fine, so
I suspect it might be load-time issue. Can you let me know what the
issue about?
    For example we recently got this email for this appID:

3) Title Duplication ("This title: 'Come2Play Hexaru' (language: cs)
of this app is too similar to the title of an existing app owned by
someone else..")
    Those email we simply don't understand:
    A. All of our apps are branded as "Come2play", so it should not be
duplication of other app sine it contain our company name.
    B. Some of our apps are unique on Orkut platform, for example our
"Come2Play Hexaru" cannot be a duplication of any app since there's
not "Hexaru" app on Orkut.
    Perhaps App-Reviewer scan the word "Come2Play" and then obviously
finds all duplication?

I'll really appreciate your help.
Amir Shwartz, Come2Play.

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