Thanks, this is really useful to fight scammers/spammers, etc. Let´s see in
practice how it goes, and hope not seeing good apps getting kicked out from
the directory :-)


Robson Dantas

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Bruno Oliveira ("btco")

> *TL;DR Summary of this post, if you are in a hurry:*
> *Good news:* your application is now under increased protection against
> malicious apps!
> *Caveats:* Don't change the title of your application. Any title changes
> will trigger the new name collision prevention algorithm, and if your new
> title is found to collide with another existing application, your
> application will be removed immediately.
> Attention Developers:
> Starting Friday (May 6), we will start enforcing our brand-new *name clash
> protection* for live applications. Please read the information below to
> make sure you do not accidentally cause your application to be removed
> without notice.
> *Name Collision Protection*
> *
> *
> *1. How does it work?*
> *
> *
> Whenever an application changes its title, in any languages, our automatic
> application reviewer (AppReviewer) will now test the new titles against all
> other live applications in our database. If it detects a name collision, the
> application whose title changed *will be taken down immediately and
> without any human review or prior notification*.
> *2. Why are you doing this?*
> *
> *
> We're doing this in order to protect live applications from malicious apps
> that change their names in order to confuse users. This new algorithm will
> catch any live applications that change their names in a way that conflicts
> with the name of a live application. This means your legitimate application
> now enjoys increased protection, since fake applications will have a hard
> time copying your name!
> *3. Can you give an example of the intended effect of this change?*
> *
> *
> Suppose you have a very successful app called Qwertyuiop. And suppose
> another developer, your rival, has an application called "Asdfghjkl", that
> is poorly written and no one uses it. Now, suppose this malicious user wants
> to steal your success -- he renames his application to "Qwertyuiop 2:
> Reloaded Deluxe Edition", hoping to trick users into thinking his app is an
> upgrade to yours. With the new Name Collision Protection, this will no
> longer be possible: AppReviewer would notice his application changed its
> title and would detect that its new title conflicts with an existing
> application, Qwertyuiop, and the malicious app would be taken down *
> immediately*. Isn't that great news?
> *4. So when do two names collide?*
> *
> *
> Names collide when they are substantially similar -- similar enough to
> confuse the user who is doing a search for example.
> *5. Are all names protected?*
> *
> *
> No. Only names consisting of 8 or more characters are protected. Smaller
> names are not protected.
> *6. Is there an exception for applications from the same developer?*
> *
> *
> Yes, applications submitted by the same developer (this means the account
> that *submitted *the app, not the account that is listed as the author!)
> can have similar names. This means that the developer who published
> "Qwertyuiop" is allowed to publish "Qwertyuiop 2 Reloaded". But no one else
> is.
> *7. Why won't the developer be notified before his app is taken down
> because of a name collision?*
> *
> *
> Because this would give a malicious developer time to profit from name
> frauds. So, as a security measure, no prior notice will be sent.
> *8. How can I make sure my app is not taken down for this?*
> *
> *
> It's simple: Don't change the title of your app. Ever. There are very few
> legitimate uses for this, so we presume that an app that has changed its
> name is probably up to no good.
> *9. Can I predict that a name won't conflict by doing a search?*
> *
> *
> No. Our name clash algorithm is stricter than a simple text search, so even
> if the name seems to be "available" when you do a regular search, it may
> actually conflict with something that the search didn't show you, and this
> will cause your application to be taken down. Again, see advice [8]: don't
> change your title. Ever.
>  --
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