
I'm currently using the Java Orkut client library. When I create an album 
through the AlbumsTxFactory.createAlbum(String title, String description) 
method the description does not seem to appear on orkut.com nor does it 
appear in the results when I view the list of albums.

The following is the output from the sample client provided with the client 
library. Note that I enter an album description of "my description 4" but 
when I view the list of albums the description is blank (see attached 

-- begin cut-n-paste from client library output --

Enter your choice:

Album title?
my title 4
Album description?
my description 4

i Who am I
lsf List my friends
lsac List my activities
ups Update status
gp Get extended profile info
gbn Get birthday notifications
pac Post new activity
lssc List scraps
psc Post scrap
lsal List albums
cral Create album
upal Update album
rmal Delete album
lsph Get photos in album
upph Upload photo to an album
q Quit

Enter your choice:

Fetching first few albums...
Album Title : my title 4
Description : 
Thumbnail URL: /img/i_noalbumcover160.jpg
Album ID : 5612803729973671184
Owner ID : 05116913291709433354

-- end cut-n-paste from client library output --

Any thoughts as to what might be happening here?


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<<attachment: orkutalbum.png>>

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