Could somebody please tell me why example 1 works and example 2 doesn't.
Correct code would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

I've included the contents of 2 external javascript files. 
Example 1 is called from my gadget with: 
*emouseatlas.emap.stg_run("my url");*
This works OK.

Example 2 is called from another gadget with:
*emouseatlas.emap.RunMe.stg_run("my url");*
This does NOT work. I get the error: *emouseatlas.emap.RunMe is undefined*
*Example 1:*
if(!emouseatlas) {
   var emouseatlas = {};
if(!emouseatlas.emap) {
   emouseatlas.emap = {};
emouseatlas.emap.stg_run =  function(url) {
    var _debug=true;
     //output to firebug  
        if(_debug) {
                 console.log("inner scope stg_run %s",url);
    };//end stg_run

*Example 2*
if(!emouseatlas) {
   var emouseatlas = {};
if(!emouseatlas.emap) {
   emouseatlas.emap = {};
emouseatlas.emap.RunMe = function() {
    var _debug=true;
    stg_run =  function(url) {
         //output to firebug  
        if(_debug) {
                 console.log("inner scope stg_run %s",url);
    };//end stg_run
}();//end RunMe


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