
Do you guys can help me on that issue?

I still getting 404 page.

Could you please help me.

My apps have not being displayed on Orkut, and I need to check it out
the status of those apps.


On 30 jul, 11:36, as <souzajo...@aol.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I cannot get access to my developer page.
> Login page (prod.sandbox) DOES NOT load (stuck on redirecting).
> Can you help me please?
> Thank you
> On 20 jun, 13:42, "Bruno Oliveira (\"btco\")" <bru...@google.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi developers,
> > We're happy to announce that the New Developer 
> > Page<http://prod.sandbox.orkut.com/Main#Developer>[*]
> >  is now fully launched and is now the only way to submit applications. The
> > old submission flow and links have been deactivated and are now
> > inaccessible. From this point on, please use only the new submission and
> > review 
> > process<http://code.google.com/apis/orkut/forum.html?place=topic%2Fopensocial...>
> >  to
> > submit your applications.   *: note -- you must log 
> > in<http://prod.sandbox.orkut.com/> before
> > using this link, or you will see a 404.
> > If you haven't tried it yet, you will find that the New Developer Page
> > (henceforth to be called just "Developer Page") is much better than the old
> > submission pages we had before. It shows you a list of your applications and
> > the status of each one, and allows you to perform all the relevant actions
> > with each application directly from the interface rather than requiring you
> > to visit several different and sometimes hard-to-find pages.
> > These are the meanings of the states for an application in the Developer
> > Page:
> >    - *testing:* means the application is on your profile and can be run, but
> >    you haven't verified ownership yet
> >    - *verified:* means you have verified that you are the owner of the
> >    application
> >    - *pending:* means you have successfully submitted the application and
> >    it's under review
> >    - *featured:* means your application is live on Orkut
> >    - *rejected:* means your application was rejected by the review process
> >    - *unknown:* your app is in an unknown state. This Shouldn't Happen (tm).
> > Remember that adding the application *does not* cause it to be reviewed
> > (this is a common misconception). Adding it to the page is something you do
> > in order to test it. When you want your application to be reviewed and
> > appear to other users, you have to *submit it*. You can find the submit
> > button next to your application on the list.
> > Also, remember that the cache updates are not immediate across all servers,
> > so the Developer Page may take a few minutes to reflect a recent action. So
> > if you have just made a change and you don't see it immediately, wait a few
> > minutes and you will probably see your application change state.
> > There is a limit of 25 applications per developer. Notice that the
> > applications you have installed as a user also count towards this limit, so
> > if you are doing heavy development, it might be better to have a separate
> > developer profile.
> > Thank you!
> > -
> > Bruno Oliveira (Google)

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