Just to be clear, you are defending the inclusion of private mail in a 
official opinion?

John Plocher wrote:
> Joseph Kowalski wrote:
>> Perhaps some view the unspecific reference of "one member" as making 
>> this OK.  I don't. 
> In the whole email trail, this was one of the most succinct descriptions
> of the issue you were objecting to - as well as what seems to be some
> rationale for why the project faced such strong opposition from the ARC.

Perhaps you considered:

    a)   paraphrasing it

    b)   contacting me about it
> > I would welcome any comments, private or public, from this audience
> > as how they react to private conversations
> I wasn't aware that this message was intended to be confidential.  As
> far as I knew, it was ARC related email pertaining to this case, sent
> to the external-to-Sun project submitter - and thus to me.  I didn't
> really look at the mail headers.
> This mail (and the thread it was from) played a /very large/ role in
> the project team's poor perception of Sun and the ARC process for this
> case, and (colorful as it was) did a good job of characterizing why you
> objected to this case.
> The only other messages that touched on this were:
>> If this "just a c-team issue", who gets to make this "product 
>> decision"?  I can buy that it might not be the ARC, but who? Roland 
>> and an advocate? If Roland can just integrate "coreutils
>> should be 64-bits", can I almost immediately integrate "coreutils
>> should be 32-bits"? 
> or
>> Its the switch.  You nor I have access to that switch.  I'm just 
>> trying to figure out who has access to that switch. 
> and
>> I finally see the need for an opinion.  Its a formal way to tell
>> the  c-team that they should to cast a *very* suspect eye at
>> the "coreutils + bash" integration request.  Nothing wrong with
>> it, there just isn't anybody "at the switch".  They should (IMHO)
>> place it on hold until somebody is "at the switch".
> Not nearly as cut and dried.  I admit, I may have missed a better
> summary in the 100+ messages in the mail log.

The point is that the referenced message is not in the mail log.  It 
only appeared
in Roland's inbox.  I have no clue how it escaped from there.

Its particularly offensive to take such a quote out of context.  If you
read the whole message, you will note that there are a few other colorful
bits in the message, many as inclusions.
> As I said, this is a draft opinion.  I welcome replacement text for
> this section if you would care to provide it.

Damage done, but it does need the "conclusion" derived from by observation.
>   -John (now really on vacation and out of email range...)

To be clear, I'm concerned more about ethics than the content (at this 

- jek3

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