I am submitting this case for Evgeny Bessonov.
I provides a newer version of ant.
I believe this qualifies for automatic approval.  If anyone disagrees,
let me know and I will change it to a fast track case.

Case materials (the man page source, a formatted man page, and a FOSS
checklist) are available in the case's materials directory.

 - Don

Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase %I% %G% SMI
This information is Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems
1. Introduction
    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
         Ant 1.7.1
    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
         Author:  Evgeny Bessonov
    1.3  Date of This Document:
        03 November, 2008
4. Technical Description

  This project updates apache ant to latest stable release (1.7.1)

2. Details
    2.1 Background and motivation

    Ant is a open source platform-independent, Java-based build
    tool, similar to "make".  It uses Java classes and XML-based
    configuration files and is best suited for building Java projects.
    Ant was initially introduced into Solaris with:
      Apr 2002 PSARC/2002/232 Integrate_Ant 1.4.1
    and changed later with:
      Dec 2003 update to 1.5.4 (CR 4965837)
      Jul 2006 update to 1.6.5 (CR 6447183)
      Nov 2007 PSARC/2007/629 Move ant from /usr/sfw/bin to /usr/bin

    This project updates apache ant to the latest stable release (1.7.1).

3. Interface table
    3.1 Exported Interfaces

    NAME                      STABILITY      NOTES
    SUNWant                   Uncommitted    package name

    /usr/bin/ant              Uncommitted    shell script
    /usr/sfw/bin/ant          Uncommitted    symlink to ../../bin/ant

    /usr/bin/antRun           Uncommitted    shell script
    /usr/sfw/bin/antRun       Uncommitted    symlink to ../../bin/antRun

    /usr/bin/antRun.pl        Uncommitted    wrapper script for invoking
                                             commands on a platform with
                                             Perl installed
    /usr/sfw/bin/antRun.pl    Uncommitted    symlink to ../../bin/antRun.pl

                              Uncommitted    Perl script to allow Bash or
                                             Z-Shell to complete an Ant
                              Uncommitted    symlink to

    /usr/bin/runant.pl        Uncommitted    Perl wrapper script for
                                             invoking ant
    /usr/sfw/bin/runant.pl    Uncommitted    symlink to ../../bin/runant.pl

    3.2 Imported Interfaces

    NAME                      STABILITY      NOTES
    JAVA_HOME                 Committed      environment variable (widely used)
    $HOME/.antrc              Uncommitted    per-user optional conf file

4. Documentation

  The /usr/share/doc/ant directory contains a hierarchy of manuals
  and web documents.

  The manual pages for Ant are installed in usr/share/man/man1/ant.1

5. References


6. Resources and Schedule
    6.4. Steering Committee requested information
        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
    6.5. ARC review type: Automatic
    6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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