I'm sorry I couldn't get this out yesterday.

tdc00 - is this distro being included with OpenSolaris, or is it  
simply a port that is being "made available" for OpenSolaris?  (FOSS  
checklist section 6.1 suggests that this is a port being delivered on  
the eclipse.org web site.)

tdc01 - which Eclipse package is proposed, the JEE version, or the  
Java version?  (eclipse.org has packages 84 -162MB in size!) If JEE,  
which app server is included?

tdc02 - FOSS checklist, section 3.1.2, if you need a newer version of  
SWT, you will have to package it. What else does Eclipse require than  
the delivered SWT provides?

tdc03 - is Eclipse 100% Java, or are there 64-bit issues with C/C++  

tdc04 - FOSS section 3.4, doesn't Eclipse include an automatic update  
facility that is a network service?

tdc05 - FOSS section 3.4.5, we need to understand any UI's involving  
passwords. For example, are CLI's CLIP-compliant?

tdc06 - FOSS section 4.1, what are versions for imported interfaces?  
Where are they coming from, and are they packaged inside Eclipse?

tdc07 - FOSS section 4.2, what is "GTK"

tdc08 - what are plans to keep this distro up to date? How will new  
Eclipse releases get into OpenSolaris, and can a user simply download  
an update and overlay it on the installation that you are providing  
with OpenSolaris?

         Tom Childers
Sr. Staff Engineer

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
SOA/Business Integration Engineering
Phone x31943/+1 415-226-3398
Mobile +1 415-272-3565
Fax +1 415-226-3398
Email Tom.Childers at Sun.COM

On Oct 28, 2008, at 1:00 PM, Michael Kearney wrote:

> 1.0 Project Information
>         Eclipse is one of the most popular open source Java IDE.
>         The current version of Eclipse is 3.4 (a.k.a. Ganymede) at  
> the time
>         of this case.
>     Eclipse IDE is an open source project handled by Eclipse  
> community.
> 1.1 Name of project/component
>     Eclipse IDE.
> 1.2 Author of document
>     Alexandre (Shura) Iline (alexandre.iline at sun.com)
> 2.0 Project Summary
>   2.1 Project Description
>     Eclipse is an Java IDE
>   2.2 Release binding
>       What is is the release binding?
>       (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/release-taxonomy/)
>       [X] Major
>       [ ] Minor
>       [ ] Patch or Micro
>       [ ] Unknown -- ARC review required
>   2.3 Type of project
>       Is this case a Linux Familiarity project?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No
>   2.4 Originating Community
>     2.4.1 Community Name
>     Eclipse
>     2.4.2 Community Involvement
>       Indicate Sun's involvement in the community
>       [ ] Maintainer
>       [ ] Contributor
>       [X] Monitoring
>       Will the project team work with the upstream community to  
> resolve
>       architectural issues of interest to Sun?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No - briefly explain
>       Will we or are we forking from the community?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required prior to forking
>       [X] No
> 3.0 Technical Description
>   3.1 Installation & Sharable
>     3.1.1S Solaris Installation - section only required for Solaris  
> Software
>       (see 
> http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/install-locations/ 
>  for details)
>       Does this project follow the Install Locations best practice?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Does this project install into /usr under [sbin|bin|lib| 
> include|man|share]?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No or N/A
>       Does this project install into /opt?
>       [ ] Yes - explain below
>       [X] No or N/A
>       Does this project install into a different directory structure?
>       [X] Yes - ARC review required
> The project installs into /usr/eclipse.
> Eclipse installation is an executor with a set of auxiliary files,  
> such as archives, configuration files, etc.
> It is assumed that the executor resides within the overall  
> installation dir.
>       [ ] No or N/A
>       Do any of the components of this project conflict with  
> anything under /usr?
>       (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/caselog/2007/047/  
> for details)
>       [ ] Yes - explain below
>       [X] No
>       If conflicts exist then will this project install under /usr/ 
> gnu?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       [X] N/A
>       Is this project installing into /usr/sfw?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No
>     3.1.1W Windows Installation - section only required for Windows  
> Software
>       (see http://sac.sfbay/WSARC/2002/494 for details)
>       Does this project install software into a
>       <system drive>:\Program Files\Sun\<product> or <system drive>: 
> \Sun\<product>
>       directory?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Does the project use the Windows registry?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Does the project use
>       HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sun Microsystems\<product>\<version>
>       for the registry key?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Is the project's stored location
>       HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sun Microsystems\<product id> 
> \<version id>\Path?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>     3.1.2 Share and Sharable
>       Does the module include any components that are used or shared  
> by
>       other projects?
>       [X] Yes
> Eclipse project includes some java libraries which could be used  
> outside of Eclipse. It also includes one native library: SWT.
>       [ ] No
>       If yes are these components packaged to be shared with the  
> other FOSS?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No - ARC review required
>       [ ] N/A
>       Are these components already in the Solaris WOS?
>       [X] Yes
> or planned to be. SWT library, JUnit library.
>       [ ] No - continue with next section (section 3.2)
>       If yes are these newer versions being delivered?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
> Not sure what the answer should be ...
> Eclipse 3.4 requires newer SWT than planned to be delivered into  
> Solaris. Eclipse also requires more than the delivered SWT provides.
>       If yes are the newer versions replacing the existing versions?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No - ARC review required
> No, since we were not able to get an agreement to upgrade SWT to  
> newer version.
>   3.2 Exported Libraries
>       Are libraries being delivered by this project?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No - continue with next section (section 3.3)
>       Are 64-bit versions of the libraries being delivered?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Are static versions of the libraries being delivered?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [ ] No
>   3.3 Services and the /etc Directory
>       (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/SMF-policy/)
>       Does the project integrate anything into /etc/init.d or /etc/ 
> rc?.d?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No
>       Does the project integrate any new entries into /etc/inittab or
>       /etc/inetd.conf?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No
>       Does the project integrate any private non-public files into / 
> etc/default
>       or /etc/ configuration files?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No
>       Does the service manifests method context grant rights above  
> that
>       of the noaccess user and basic privilege set?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No
>   3.4 Security
>     3.4.1 Secure By Default
>       (see 
> http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/secure-by-default/ 
>  for details)
>       (see http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/NITS-policy/ 
>  for details)
>       (see parts of 
> http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/SMF-policy/ 
>  for
>        addtional details)
>       Are there any network services provided by this project?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No - continue with the next section (section 3.4.2)
>       Are network services enabled by default?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [ ] No
>       [ ] N/A
>       Are network services automatically enabled by the project  
> during installation?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [ ] No
>       [ ] N/A
>       Are inbound network communications denied by default?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       [ ] N/A
>       Is inbound data checked to prevent content-based attacks?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       [ ] N/A
>       Is the outbound receiver authenticated?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       [ ] N/A
>       Is the receiver authenticated prior to receiving any sensitive  
> outbound communication?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       [ ] N/A
>     3.4.2 Authorization
>       (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/bestpractices/rbac-intro/ 
>  and
>        http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/bestpractices/rbac-profiles/ 
>  and
>        http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/bestpractices/rbac-profiles/
>            for details)
>       Are there any setuid/setgid privileged binaries in the project?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No - continue with next section (section 3.4.3)
>       If yes then are the setuid/setgid privileges handled by the  
> use of roles?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>     3.4.3 Auditing
>       (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/audit-policy/ 
>  for details)
>       (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/caselog/2003/397  
> for details)
>       Does this component contain administrative or security  
> enforcing software?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.4)
>       (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/caselog/2003/397  
> for details)
>       Do the components create audit logs detailing what took place  
> including what event
>       took place, who was involved, when the event took place?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC contract and Audit project team review required
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>     3.4.4 Authentication
>       (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/PAM/)
>       Do the components contain any authentication code?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.5)
>       If yes do the components use PAM (plugable authentication  
> modules) for authentication?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       If yes is a single PAM session maintained during authentication?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       If yes are the components sufficiently privileged to allow the  
> requested
>       operations (authentication, password change, process  
> credential manipulation,
>       audit state initialization)?
>       [ ] Yes - briefly describe below
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>     3.4.5 Passwords
>       (see 
> http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/bestpractices/passwords-cli/ 
>  and
> http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/bestpractices/passwords-files/ 
>  for details)
>       Do any of the components for the project deal with passwords?
>       [X] Yes
> Eclipse now includes the "Secure storage" system. ? This is a new  
> integrated framework intended for caching passwords
>       [ ] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.6)
>       If yes are these passwords entered via the CLI or environment?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [ ] No
>       Are passwords stored within the file system for the component?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.6)
>       If yes are the permissions on the file such to protect  
> exposing the password(s)?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>     3.4.6 General Security Questions
>       (see 
> http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/bestpractices/security-questions/ 
>  for details)
>       Are there any network protocols used by this project?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No - continue with the next section (section 3.5)
>       Do the components use standard network protocols?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Do network services for the project make decisions based upon  
> user, host or
>       service identities?
>       [ ] Yes - explain below
>       [X] No
>       [ ] N/A
>       Do the components make use of secret information during  
> authentication and/or
>       authorization?
>       [ ] Yes - explain below
>       [X] No
>       [ ] N/A
>   3.5 Networking
>       Do the components access the network?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No - continue with the next section (section 3.6)
>       If yes do the components support IPv6?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>   3.6 Core Solaris Components
>       Do the components of this project compete with or duplicate core
>       Solaris components?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No
>       Examples of Core Solaris Components include but are not  
> limited to:
>         Secure By Default
>         Authorizations
>         PAM -- Plugable Authentication Module
>         Privilege
>         PRM -- Process Rights Management -- Privilege
>         Audit
>         xVm -- Virtualization
>         zones / Solaris Containers
>         PRM -- Process Rights Management
>         RBAC -- Role Based Access Control
>         TX / Trusted Extensions
>         ZFS
>         SMF -- Service Management Facility
>         FMA -- Fault Management Architecture
>         SCF -- Smart Card Facility
>         IPsec
> 4.0 Interfaces
>   (see 
> http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/interface-taxonomy/ 
>  for details)
>   4.1 Exported Interfaces
>     Interface Name        Classification      Comments
>     --------------------------- -------------------  
> ---------------------------
>     eclipse                     Uncommitted         Package
>     /usr/eclipse                Uncommitted         Installation  
> directory
>     eclipse                     Uncommitted         Commandline syntax
>     SWT                         Uncommitted         Library
>     JUnit                       Uncommitted         Java library
>     Eclipse platform            Uncommitted         Set of Java  
> libraries
>   4.2 Imported Interfaces
>     Interface Name        Classification       Comments
>     --------------------------- --------------------  
> --------------------------
>     j6dev                       Committed            Package
>     GTK                         ???                  Library
> References:
> [1] http://www.eclipse.org
> [2] 
> http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/ganymedesr1
>        Michael Kearney
> Staff Software Engineer
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> MS UBRM05-390, 500 Eldorado Blvd
> Broomfield, CO 80021 US
> Phone 303-272-2402
> Fax 303-272-6554
> Email Michael.Kearney at Sun.COM
> <Michael_Kearney.vcf>

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