Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase %I% %G% SMI
This information is Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems
1. Introduction
    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
         elisa, elisa-plugins-good, elisa-plugins-bad
    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
         Author:  Jijun Yu
    1.3  Date of This Document:
        14 November, 2008
4. Technical Description

1. Introduction

   1.1. Project/Component Working Name:

        elisa, elisa-plugins-good, elisa-plugins-bad

   1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:

        Jerry Yu  

   1.3. Date of This Document:


   1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s):
        1.4.1. The PAC or CPT you expect to review your project:

               Solaris PAC

        1.4.2. The ARC(s) you expect to review your project:


        1.4.3. The Director/VP who is "Sponsoring" this project:

               Robert O'Dea

        1.4.4. The name of your business unit:

               Software - OPG

   1.5. Email Aliases:
        1.5.1. Responsible Manager: 

               harry.lu at sun.com

        1.5.2. Responsible Engineer:

               jijun.yu at sun.com

        1.5.3  Marketing Manager:

               dan.robert at sun.com

        1.5.4. Interest List: 

              desktop-discuss at opensolaris.org 

2. Project Summary
   2.1. Project Description:

        Elisa is a cross-platform media center. You can watch movies, listen to
        music and view pictures with Elisa.

4. Technical Description:
   4.1. Details:

        The Elisa Media Center has many advanced features that will make your
        media center experience unique. It features an intuitive interface with
        a professional look and feel which is easy to use.

        Elisa has the following features:
        * View pictures with previews and animated slideshows
        * Watch movies and video clips
        * Browse a music collection by artist or album cover
        * Media Browsing using Cover flow, Grid view, List view, Drag-and-drop
        * Audio visualization during playback
        * Supports media formats using the GStreamer multimedia framework, so it
          supports the media formats that GStreamer does
        * Autodetection of media on your cameras and USB hard drives

        Elisa provides a modular media center, so its features can be
        extended by using plugins.
        Below are several more important plugins:
        * base: base Elisa compoments
        * hal: listens to HAL and informs Elisa when removable media is added
          or removed
        * gnome: blocks the GNOME screensaver
        * amp: Asynchronous Messaging Protocol implementation for communication
          between Elisa processes
        * database: scans media files and stores them in a database for easier
        * favorites: to mark items as favorites for quick access
        * gstreamer: gstreamer related components
        * pigment and poblesec: Frontends for Elisa based on the Pigment
          rendering engine
        * search: general search architecture and system

        Elisa uses Pigment as its rendering engine. Pigment is a library for 
        creating rich application user interfaces. It allows embedding 
        multimedia contents such as audio and video with the simple integration
        of the GStreamer library. 

   4.2. Interfaces:
      Exported Interfaces    Stability          Comments
      -------------------    --------------     -----------------------
      /usr/bin/elisa         Volatile           A media center
      /usr/bin/elisa-get     Volatile           Manages elisa plugins 
                             Project Private    Elisa info files
                             Project Private    Implementation of elisa and its 
                             Project Private    Elisa plugins info files
                             Volatile           Elisa pth file 
                             Volatile           Elisa plugins pth file 
                             Volatile           Elisa manpage
      SUNWgnome-media-center Uncommitted        Package name
      Imported Interfaces    Stability          Comments
      ---------------        ---------------    -----------------------
      Python                 External           PSARC/2005/532  Python
                             Evolving           Migration from /usr/sfw 
                                                to /usr and upgrade to v2.4.x
      Gnome                  Volatile           LSARC/2008/510
      GStreamer              Volatile           LSARC/2006/202
      Python-Twisted         Uncommitted        PSARC/2008/121
      Python-Twisted-Web2    Uncommitted        PSARC/2008/670
      PyOpenSSL              Uncommitted        PSARC/2008/705
      PySQLite               Uncommitted        PSARC/2008/117
      pigment                Volatile           LSARC/2008/668
      pigment-python         Volatile           LSARC/2008/668
      xdg-user-dirs          Uncommitted        LSARC/2008/116
      python-xdg             Uncommitted        PSARC/2008/103
      HAL                    Contracted         PSARC/2005/399
      CSSutils               Volatile           LSARC/2008/658
      D-Bus                  Volatile           LSARC/2006/368

   4.3. Doc Impact:

        Man page is needed.

   4.4. Packaging & Delivery:
        SUNWgnome-media-center - package for elisa, elisa-plugins-good and

   4.5. Dependencies:


   4.6. L10N Impact:

        The Desktop team and the G11N are working together to evaluate and
        provide I18N/L10N support.

   4.7. Security Impact:

        Elisa makes use of SSL for HTTPS support.The Python-Twisted web module
        and Python-Twisted-Web2 both are used by Elisa and both also use 
        OpenSSL for HTTPS support.

        Elisa has an AMP plugin which makes use of Python-Twisted AMP module
        which uses OpenSSL for its protocol.  More information can be found
        about this in the Twisted documentation.  Refer here:

5. Reference Documents:

       Elisa webpage:
       Elisa wiki page:

       Elisa API documentation:

       GStreamer webpage:

6. Resources and Schedule
    6.4. Steering Committee requested information
        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
    6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
    6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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